Jigsaw would do his speech and Chris would just sigh

“If you left me, I’d be down for.. well over a month”

Tips on how to trade low tiered stands?[HELP]

I have a g&w GB that I've been trying to get rid of, but I can't seem to. Nobody wants it, and when I do find someone who does, they offer complete trash. I often run into this situation a lot, and its a bit frustrating.

Any tips? (besides rokaing)

Honestly, I think he would be a lot less determined to get his body back to normal. His main motivation to reverse things was a direct result of the guilt he felt because of feeling responsible for basically ruining Al's life.

If that is out of the picture, then I could definitely see him just being this loner dude who happens to have an automail arm and leg and refuses to talk about it.

Same here, and I still have so much fun with it.

Naked people running around high on bath salts


Prince because prince is cool

I forget the name of the guy but he was just terrible. We had this couple in our hall and the husband was DF, and the meeting he was reinstated, that couple invited another family over to watch the meeting and to celebrate after. This CO got so pissed about it and took away everyones privileges for 6 months over it. And he was also sexist towards women in abusive households.

you forgot to crop out the part that exposes you for reposting lmao

At least they use Windows 10 (I think)

that’s what ive been doing, but ive just been feeling guilty about lying to him

How do I tell my extremely PIMI friend that I am leavingHELP

I have this friend (I’ll call him M), and we have been friends for quite some time now. I’ve gone through many things while being a JW, and he supported me and encouraged me the whole way through. He makes sure to check in on me every once in a while to make sure I am doing okay spiritually and generally.

I feel really bad since he put in all this effort to fight for me through tough situations involving his friends (his friends completely shunned me before because they thought I wasn’t JW enough for them), and just being a listener. I really want to put it out there and just tell him, but if possibly try to tell him my reasonings for leaving and trying to salvage the friendship.

Any advice?


They were very lax about it, and besides, pedos shouldn’t be around kids, period.

He’s moved. Message me and I’ll tell you the congregation and give his mugshot


When I told my grandma this she said “So they will kick your brother out for being gay, but will accept and welcome a sex offender?”