Literally killed ground crew members due to sound/vibration. Propeller rotation was supersonic injuring ground crew. Bad, very bad.

Patience. As flight chief I had a TSgt finally win his bad EPR appeal. Took about 3 years, he ended up outranking me and getting a shit ton back pay!

Tranquility. Early morning preflight. Walk away and a coke from base ops, waiting on our flight crew. God I miss it!!

Colgate toothpaste. Works better than spackling and smells good.

Yes, I can identify that aircraft.

That should a been $150-200 to flash, still a bunch of money on a known parts failure.

ABS control module. Buy a used module slave it in then take to the dealer to flash the module to your truck.

$200-300 for the module $1500-200 to flash

Back on the road.

A new module is $700-800 from the dealer plus install/flash.

It's a good damn thing you mix it with alcohol!!

Problem solved 🙃🙃🙃

Easy cowboy. No rings means......wait for it, no rings.

Wear your wedding ring elsewhere.

Don't be one of the cool guys, unless you no can resist (respect 🇺🇸). Then...

...You go to dad's bench stock, ace hardware, Lowe's, etc and find an Oh-ring that fits and put it in a box.

Bingo Bango silicon ring. $0.087 total price, you stole the box from 'lil Sis' stash.


Can't lie. Happened to me.

Listen carefully: Say thank you then walk away. Even if they have your contact info, they won't call...

C-130 Hercules. Perfect name for an historic aircraft!!

Slowly strip, then suggestively lube his head...hose head, you ass hats!! Then tightly grip his head with channel locks, twist lefty loosey. Make sure to spit, grunt and enjoy his pleasure.

Thanks dude! I got poison ivy looking at this picture.

Yes. Patience. Many products will remove the glue/adhesive. Realize they take time and muscle to properly work.

Good Gone, acetone, mineral spirits, any other product removing adhesives.

Patience is the key!

Allowing a symbol (wedding ring)

Allowing your wedding ring

Questioning such petty issues prior to marriage is a huge...

...fill in the blank

3 years later, in Georgia, side 4 ATWAS spinning on my turntable. Non-stop!!

Thanks Donna!! Love ya, mean it!!

Nibble the pecker. Enjoy the taste.

Nibble the pecker. Spit.

You are here. Nasty aftertaste.

Lots of happiness. And pharmaceuticals.

Thanks Donna!

Yes they did, cut perfectly. Papa always gets the big piece of chicken...ALWAYS!!

Cause they 'spatch' different things.

Think golf clubs...