If you take a look at the MAXN chart and history, was it really all that lucky?

Well it didn't close above $0.50 so if there isn't any news, it will probably edge down lower like it has over the previous few days.

And a huge gap between 30 and 50 cents that, given how close it is, there is a very good chance that will get filled. It isn't a certainty  but looks good.

That is pretty much the last date they can do a meeting and then a RS, so they are given themselves as much time as possible.

The concern again is that the volume has dropped and the heat has gone out of the stock, and once again it is in a slow downward trend. Relying on positive news coming out again now.

People always ask who is holding in here so some people clearly do care if people are holding or not.

Not unusual last thing on a Friday to take more calls out of the money. See it all the time with GME too.

You are right about no resistance levels above and that is why there was probably a concerted short effort to keep to stock under $0.28. Because if it went over $0.28 it was likely going over $0.50, which would have meant the $0.50 calls were in the money.

Amazing comment when the price is already 43 cents. My man, do you know how to count?

I get that a lot of crypo is spec plays, however, not so much with BTC. With people pulling out of BTC, which is where a lot of the money will come from, do you think they will be looking for spec stocks like FFIE, or stocks like NVDA or TSLA?

Yes I should have clarified in my initial comment. It isn't necessarily that you are spreading hype, more that there are people in here chomping at the bit and looking for the tinniest bit of positivity to get hyped themselves, followed of course by discontent. Someone said it would reach $10 last week and then there were all these people sad because the stock never reached $10, when there was nothing indicating that was ever going to happen.

Oh and don't get me wrong, it is great to have you here and covering FFIE because no one else is really going to the effort to analyse the stock and the recent news :)

I know you take a very balanced approach to your videos and it is great to see. But please just remember that many people in this subreddit look up to you as you are the biggest YouTuber covering FFIE consistently and if you say 'Damn. Something is Coming' then come on, people are going to get excited by that, you got to know that.

Come on Financial__Journey, spreading hype like that with the title of your post. Very much preliminary works with potential this and potential that. Sounds positive, but keep it in check too.

He said 'potential' twice so although promising, it all appears to still be preliminary steps. My assumption would be that the sites and suppliers would have to be pretty much confirmed before any deal is signed.

Please do your own DD and certainly don't rely on anything I have said. Clearly a spec play 100%

That is what I was thinking! See that term used on every other post it seems.

That run started at 4 cents dude, the second run up started around 35 cents, and the 3rd run up started around 18 cents.

I wasn't criticising or anything, I just haven't seen you on here before. I watch most of your vids though, nice to have someone covering FFIE in depth. I myself only have a small position and am new to investing, but I appreciate the analysis and helps me understand better how stocks move.

You do realise that reddit is a discussion board to float ideas and with the stock market, speculation is often the best you can get because no one truly knows (without insider trading). Instead of scrolling here, why not just set a price alert for GME stock and if you need more, then alerts for DFV posts if you are interested in his moves. If you aren't day trading and have a sell price in mind though, then seriously don't waste your time on here and set that price alert.

No idea, I didn't post about the video, nor have I seen it. I just pulled apart the logic of the guy who posted about a food video being bullish for the stock haha.

That would make sense, it has been trending down. And that isn't a bag thing, all of FFIE's explosive gains have come under $0.40.

I feel like you are implying that they are going to be releasing some news today given he posted a video eating food, and that it will cause a run up like what happened after he posted a similar video on 13th May. The only issue is that the big run up on 13th May had nothing to do any anything from FFIE, they didn't announce anything. Therefore, how could he know a similar event is going to happen when there was no catalyst the first time?