Float down was an issue because people were in inner tubes and couldn’t control where they floated. So when someone floats in front of a freighter during an official event then it’s a big issue.

Kayaking, no problem. Many people do it

They aren’t exactly the same. CPE will focus more on programming. But I can see some with a degree in either being successful in any career that hires both

If you don’t want to then don’t. But there’s pros to getting married young IMO. Just make sure you’re in 100%

If your devices are zigbee or z-wave and connected to HA then they won’t be exposed to the internet and don’t need the cloud to operate. WiFi devices are probably a case by case basis. Usually HA says if an integration requires the cloud to work.

HA has a HomeKit integration and you can tell it only to expose certain things. I only have a room full of lights exposed, not the individual lights. So that offers a little obscurity.

I think HomeKit commands from your phone or HomeKit hub run locally inside your WiFi network unless you are out and about.

Well, when I tried dual booting windows and Linux, I ended up just staying in windows. Because I spent most of my time playing games and I couldn’t be bothered to reboot in to Linux.

My favorite is the bozo’s with long campers who try to pass going 2 mph faster than the other guy with the camper in the passing lane. As if the passing lane is 10 miles long and you have all the time in the world.

Last summer by the third passing lane I was going 80 and zipping between all these clowns just to get around them

I think I’ve played that on iOS and loved it. We might have to redevelop ourselves if we’re the only ones missing it,lol

I thought it was fine. I tried going in with low expectations because you’re gonna skip a lot of the story in a 2 hour movie vs hours and hours of a tv show

If you want to be hands on installing wiring then an electrician apprenticeship and journeyman career is a good place to be. But if you want to do more design or get up into leadership in your later career, then I would do an EE degree.

It’s scary even in a 25 foot motor boat too

I’m in the wrong industry if I can charge $134k to install an EV charger

What are you plugging into 480v?

If you don’t know what kind of wire/cable you need or where to get it I would recommend phoning up an electrician. Depending on the project I usually spec out individual wires (for brown, orange, yellow) and then conduit (rigid, emt, or flex). Or if I have to use a cable I get a flying lead from AB, Turck or Murr with an M12 or M8 connector.

There are things that men should only talk about with other men. If you want to have a women’s version of the event then you should coordinate it

Over on the other side, in port Huron you can kayak down the lake into the St Clair river and up the black river in a loop

Copper Harbor is one of the most remote places in the lower 48. Otherwise I’d say it would be a remote town somewhere in the mountains out west

Go to the website and be like James Holden. “There was a button, I pushed it” the buy button

I worked as a lifeguard at the city pool back in the day

I’d recommend you call a plumber or see a medical professional. /s

But seriously, I assume that the chute is empty. I would watch it closely during the purge process. Maybe the g code sequence needs to be modified? Not sure if that is editable

Yes!!! I’m ordering some wood pla and printing some Lincoln logs!!!

Now I just need to find a design for K’nex and my childhood is complete

Pretty sure they just did a word cloud after scraping data from Reddit and other social media and came up with Tom Bombadil as a “good idea to add” because it’s a big meme.