I know this is mindblowing to a lot of Redditors, but this is exactly what my life has been in consulting and finance, and exactly what my wife's life has been like in a hospital.

It's genuinely alien to me to see so many subreddits like anti-work claim that no human can focus for more than 5h a day or 20-30h a week lol, or the myriad subreddits that joke about how most of their day is spent killing time.

My days are often 12h or literally 9AM until midnight, and we get 30m for lunch and 30m for dinner. It's part of why I'm exiting consulting right now and why my wife is trying to switch specialties as we aim for kids and want better work life balance, and there are absolutely blue collar or unskilled jobs that work you to a similar grind.

Not saying OP has it better or worse than his wife -- I've just noticed a pattern on these threads where people really devalue the effort that goes into a job and assume everyone has a slower paced or cushy job.

OP and his wife need to sit down, communicate, and have a real discussion about the load each one is taking on and how to balance it.

It would be IRL, but Redditors would unironically take this stance in the gossip threads like AITA ๐Ÿ˜…

After all, we don't even have functional brains until 25 lmfao

It's annoying but the problem is that people leave and come back to different positions in the crowd, and you can't really claim a space in a pack where everyone is neck and neck.

Passive aggressive bumping is always good like others have mentioned, and if I'm really annoyed, I've straight up gone back in front of the people in a bit of a "No U" move lol

I mean, I'm 5'11" and when I tell women that, they "correct me" that I'm clearly taller than 6' lol

If it's bugging you that much, no one will get mad over a 1" lie, but I think most dudes, short and tall, dodge people who put a creepy emphasis on height as women do with weird checklist or weight-focus male profiles.

Unless they're just trying to get their dick/pussy wet with a hottie, but that's a whole other type of calculus ๐Ÿ˜…

Also, it never hurts to make a few template slides for yourself on PPT. Very few consultants make fresh slides when working -- they generally use their firm's IP database of previous decks and dip into personal templates.

I'll generally have my go-to table formats, vetical or horizontal box formats, etc.

Excel modeling and basic data analysis is so easy to pick up. Either use youtube or spend 30 bucks to get a month subscription of Kubicle and complete their basic Excel modeling, data analysis, and VBA (much, much less important than the prior two) coursework, and you'll literally be set for anything you need in consulting.

If you want to take it a notch further, they also have courses on SQL (big for firms that handle database extraction and large datasets), Tableau (big for data visualization and dashboarding), and Alteryx (big for actual data processing, sanitizing, and analysis).

Tableau is probably the most widely useable non-Excel software of that bunch, SQL is probably second but more firm-specific, and Alteryx is a bit more on the data analytics side but used by a few firms.

But really, figure out excel modeling and basic analysis, and you're pretty much set for consulting or a possible forecasting / finance exit.

Edit: Kubicle breaks this down for you, but if you're using youtube -- look up 3 statement financial models, look up projections, look up valuation (DCF / SOTP ends up being pretty common), and then if you want to get exit-specific, M&A accretion models for IB; LBOs for PE; and cap tables, startup modeling, and basic comp/multiples analysis for VC

It was clear to virtually everyone else, and even if it wasn't, he immediately laid out his intention and implications right after your response, but you're like a dog with a bone and can't let go ๐Ÿ™„

A lot of language's meaning is context-dependent and implied lmfao

It's profoundly depressing because any possible gains in productivity or decreases in cost will be invariably capitalized on by either private corporations looking to edge out competitors or government entities or economies looking to gain an upperhand over competing entities or nations.

The endless push for productivity doesn't really go away under any system of government or economy unfortunately ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

Ya, OP is conflating too many things, which I think vulnerable men fall prey to due to incel talking points.

A woman being disinterested in you =/= a bitch that's bullying you

And a person changing their views on you =/= someone coming back to you either as a plan B (yuck) or desperation because their life caved (also yuck)

If someone was a POS to you, treats you like a plan B, or comes back to you to gold dig after their life collapsed, then walk away ofc.

But that's different then someone else's tastes changing, happens to virtually everyone; their view of you changing after getting to know you or after you've matured or had a glow-up; or simply giving you a chance because circumstances change.

And lastly, there's nothing wrong with someone wanting to date around when younger and then settle down later. Men do it ALL THE TIME, or joke about "fucking crazy," or "wife material vs. fling."

But that's not what's happening here: she bullied you, she rejected you, she wasn't interested in you while actively dating, and now that she's interested, you're not. Simple as that and end of story.

She didn't do anything inherently wrong, but it's obvious she views you as a plan B, and didn't start getting interested because of a sudden connection or change in your personality or looks, so just walk away lol

And Merchan. Amidst all the threats, the colluding cronies, continuous breaking of gag orders, etc. Merchan was the epitome of objectivity and patience -- if anything biasing himself significantly to afford Trump more grace than even another rich and influential politician or businessman would have been afforded.

His speech at the end, reminding jurors to ignore outside influences and leave behind their personal thoughts on Trump was eloquent and a great exemplar of this. And yet, his cult still rabidly dogs and threatens Merchan and the jurors while obstinately ignoring the endless stream of damning evidence, both from the prosecution AND Trump's own, often self-incriminating, team.

It's like watching flat earthers debate scientists lol

Iunno, it sounds clever while not being substantial to me. Running with this logic, the opposite of everything is just lack of that thing, and suddenly opposites lose their actual meaning...

The opposite of up is no direction. The opposite of fat is not fat. The opposite of sad is not sad. The opposite of happy is not happy.

Ooh, this is such a better interpretation of opposites ๐Ÿ™„

And tbf, I'm sure that the quote has greater meaning in the context of the book and its intended themes, but applying it generally like Reddit does just feels specious and pseudointellectual.

That makes more sense because this is some fake-assed crying


I am totally mixed on the stigma thing. I am ADHD and dyslexic. I'm also very smart and relatively successful everything considered, but it drives me nuts that I'm not even allowed to consider those conditions deficits anymore.

It's like bro, I can work 15h days 5 days a week with incredible focus if I'm at work and my job is on the line / I'm engaged, but the moment I'm off the clock, I just stare at my todo list, listen to the same crappy song or show on repeat, and procrastinate folding the clothes I put on my bed to the point where I just nest in them until I've gone through them all ๐Ÿ˜…

It was also a nightmare to deal with quality control issues or typos building out decks, and as a researcher main-lining publications non-stop, it was a Godamn battle getting a handle on reading. It just irks me that I can't consider that a deficit anymore.

Deficits don't mean you're stupid or less or holistically any worse than someone else, it's just a clean description of something you lack that others have -- for me executive functioning / organizational ability, attention regulation, ability to stay still (my cope is to do kegels or other stupid imperceptible contractions instead of fidgeting lol), and my ability to process reading and writing.

Wish there was a middle ground of destigmatizing instead of pretending these are positive traits like I see on half the patient advocacy groups now, but then again, a lot of kids deal with this shit and some are abused, bullied, or just independently dumb (which makes overcoming any disability way harder), so maybe they truly need the sugarcoating?

Just tired of pretending they're not objectively disabilities, albeit very manageable ones I and many others have overcome that don't reflect on a person's intelligence. In fact, if they weren't deficits, it'd probably be an indictment on my intelligence since they made learning and developing professional so much harder lol /rant

I was looking for this comment. More than the other Csuite roles, CEOs tend to either be a face or, in startups, the catchall to fill a founder role that covers multiple Csuite functions like fundraising in addition to high-level strategy.

It's also kind of a final say on strategy, which is a real thing despite Reddit believing it isn't ๐Ÿ˜…

High level decisions like which assets to cut or prioritize from a pharma's pipeline; how to onshore manufacturing across decisions like investing from scratch, acquiring distressed assets, forming a joint venture company, or contracting out a CDMO; deciding high level which business development to pursue to ward off a patent cliff for a major asset (e.g., our main proprietary drug delivery tech is about to lose exclusivity, so should we diversify into on-body wearables, more life-cycle management enabling reformulation technologies like concentrating excipients that can switch route of administration from IV to self-administered, etc.); what geographies to focus on given our supply chain fucked up and we can no longer meet demand; how much to build out internal capabilities to become independent from 3rd party suppliers and what process development, demand, or financial milestones to stage-gate those decisions to...

Iunno, CEOs are overpaid, egotistical douchebags who often run companies into the ground, but that should, in and of itself, signal the signficant role they can have in stewardship for a company. And while random examples like the above are the type that can be taken over by an objective AI, you could also say that about virtually any decision and, as you pointed out, it would also miss the outward client-facing role and scapegoat role they're often meant to play.

Makes sense a lot of companies would switch to an AI CEO for buzz, but ultimately, if shit goes wrong, AI CEO would be interesting from a compliance perspective depending on the industry. CEOs would suck way less if their compensation wasn't whack, actually tethered to their acheivement and, most importantly and unrealistically, tethered to long-term milestones instead of short ones that let them exploit and cash out ๐Ÿ’€

It's called market positioning. Ikea had to adapt because 1) their Western brand carried specific cache, and 2) the supply chain partners they used almost immediately started stealing their IP and producing shit knockoffs.

Lots of other reasons ofc, but these are biggies. Ikea has been a pretty interesting business case in general looking at their move to the east, especially with how limited spacing is and how difficult transport is in places like China relative their traditional behemoth brick and mortar approach

Any doctor that's a hospitalist works worse hours than a fucking investment banker, and pretty much every doctor in residency, especially for shit like surgery or internal, is being ground down and abused.

Fun fact you can actually find supported on NCBI/pubmed -- the origin for this is a coked out stimulant addict who was the godfather and designer of the residency program.

I guess he just assumed all med students would always be speedy little cokeheads, and doctors were a mix of too proud, pro-hazing, and generally abusive to fix the system as time went on.

Somehow, shit's even worse in China and India according to the people I know. Wife had to sleep overnight at the hospital on call many times during training for shifts over 24h, but it wasn't a daily fucking thing ๐Ÿ’€

Look up suicide and depression in doctors, you dork. Their suicide rate is way above the average and something like a quarter or more of them are depressed. It's even crazier if you go by subspecialty.

ED doctors' average longevity is fucking hillarious; they drop off like flies. Weirdly enough... palliative doctors dealing with death every day are actually really mentally healthy ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Edit: Had to look it up because it blew my mind when my friend in emerg told me while explaining why there's a shortage -- FIFTY EIGHT YEARS OLD


Believe me, he's lying lol

I get yall have daddy and mommy issues -- I do too -- but kinda hard to laugh at a mentally ill, infirm lady screaming in anguish because she's too poor to afford the groceries she wants. The whole spun out druggy grandma maybe makes it a little funnier but also sadder ๐Ÿคจ

Jerry Seinfeld at a high school prom

This is an impressively stupid post, from an historical (misunderstanding classical greek views on male vs. female emotionality), scientific (misunderstanding testosterone), and philosophical (misunderstanding stoicism) perspective ๐Ÿ˜…

You went for the ๐Ÿฆƒ

The only traditionally masculine thing about Seinfeld is that he likes to bang young women and flaunt his cash around like a bad 80s stereotype.

Weird stance from an unathletic comedian that exudes the opposite of machismo and whines a lot about todays youth (on issues of censorship not bangability ofc)

Not enough to win; a message needs to be sent to the GOP about out of touch and far gone they've become.

As much as I dislike the corporate dem platform, republicans have gone so far beyond the pale. Trump's 4y term has caused such irrepairable damage to the judiciary branch alone, it's going to take an unprecedented response to even mitigate the effects.

Such wildly open corruption, proudly open willingness to sell state interests to the highest bidders of both corporate and foreign powers... the list goes on. Truly disgusting.

It's the contrast between objectification/fetishization and repulsion/erasure. Gay men are "gross," while lesbians are "hot," and the quotes are meant to do some heavy lifting in that sentence ๐Ÿ˜…

As a bi guy married to a bi woman, we see the same dynamic pretty markedly lol