I sell cheesecakes made to order and if I came across this situation I would just insist on either A. Someone else meet up with me for the delivery or 2. Contactless delivery. And I would 100% be wearing a mask and gloves for my own extra safety.

Sidebar: If that’s a pic of your cookies you make, my goodness… I got a wee little lady wood from how good they look! 🤣

I’ll never not eat boxed Mac & Cheese, a can of tuna and some peas thrown in. It’s excellent budget food, but also just super comfort food for me.❤️

It’s okay to laugh at this but Neil Diamond. Like, the music of Neil Diamond. I’ve known random songs here and there because how do you not, but I recently started listening to whole albums and his voice makes my eyes immediately water and my chest feels full. I’m totally addicted to it right now. 🤣🤣

Maaaaaaan. This really burns me up. I tip, and tip well, to everyone from servers, tattoo artists, hair dressers, obviously delivery drivers, Hell, I tip at my weed dispensary!! But this whole tipping sitch in the U.S. has gotten completely out of hand. PAY YOUR FUCKING WORKERS. It’s not up to me to make up the gap in their salary because the CEO wanted a new boat last year! Fuck!

Just sing at them “Taste the biscuitssss….taste the goodness of the biscuitssss..” 🤣🩷

Straight Bother is correct, an Introvert is someone who prefers being alone, or smaller social gatherings, but IS NOT CRIPPLED by them. What you’re describing is severe anxiety or potentially even Agoraphobia.

Example, Me: I never, ever WANT to go to the party (Introvert), however once I’m there and feeling more comfortable I will likely end up being the loudest, life of the party (Extrovert).

Yeah, I use them everyday and I just finished another round of PT for it. Trouble is, I just have bad feet with multiple bone spurs in each, so the fasciitis won’t ever go away. I’ll be alright, I’m still chugging along, just when it’s a bad day it’s a REAL BAD day.

I was thinking the same, I’m 39 and sometimes just standing still in line is the most painful on my hips and feet. Wait until I’m 60-70, they better prop me the fuck up with a broom. 🤣🤣🤣

Yeeeaaahhh….it could be the funniest joke in the world, but if someone asks you never to do something that physically pertains to their body, you fucking don’t ever do it again.

Hahaha my husband and I regularly joke about our humours being out of balance, leading to whatever ailment we have. Even a splinter in the finger. LOL

I think sometimes the Reddit Community forgets there’s real people behind these stories. Plus, we all know everyone’s got balls of steel behind a screen. 🩷

I honestly hope for you that this whole ordeal gave you some really good take-aways: 1. Your family sounds like absolutely lovely, loyal people to have at your back. 2. Your husband also sounds like he’s got you, which is frankly what having a partner is for (I’m 17 years with mine, he’s not my rock, he’s my artillery), so that’s also amazing. And 3. You’re only 23, friends are still really important at that stage of your life. I will not downplay that, but you’ll realize pretty soon (your 30’s are incredible for this) that 1 really solid friend is worth 100 shitty ones. You’re gonna be alright. And don’t ever back down from your MIL. Be kind but be firm, girly pop.

That’s right up with this one time when I still worked in an actual bank (not just for a financial company) in 2016, this dude was in the bank with his wife, but he was sitting in the waiting area for her. Motherfucker was rocking back and forth going “Trumpy’s coming to town. Truuuummmmpy’s comin’ to town!” Like…..what the actual fuck. About a politician??? Weirdos, mang.

Also, I’m sorry but a $800+ flower girl dress and a $900+ bridesmaids dress?? I don’t care if I am the brides actual twin sister, she could get fuckin’ rolling with those prices. I’m certain the dresses are every bit as fugly as every other $120 from David’s Bridal.

💙💚💜🩷🩵💛 You’re gonna be alright. You’ll find so much peace in life when you shed people who only bring unhappiness to your table. 💜💚💙🩷🩵💛

OMG FUCKING RIGHT???? Sometimes in stores or whatever a baby in a buggy will be looking at me and they’re cute and I don’t wanna ignore them so I’ll smile and maybe make some faces or whatever but even then it’s for a couple seconds and I move on. I don’t want anyone getting freaked out, I know if I had a baby and anyone that I don’t know was lingering around, interacting with my baby…I’d freak.

Me too, I’ve been in multiple car accidents in my life so I get really anxious being in the car for longer than 30 minutes. I just sit in the backseat and read. Luckily, my sister doesn’t mind driving ever, so we have a lovely agreement where she basically never has to pay for her meal whenever we go places, and I never have to drive. Lol

LOL He’s like “One and done, I’M OUT!!”

LOL for sure it’s the getting red faced pissed about it. Like, come on. The world will always be changing.

My friend, please….this man simply put, at the end of the day, does not care about you. He might like you, he might enjoy you, he might think you’re pretty, but he does not care about your well being. Whether he wanted a baby or not, your health was in jeopardy when you had to be hospitalized for the miscarriage and he didn’t care. He was happy he didn’t have to deal with a big problem (in his eyes) and now you can just get better and be back to being his fun girlfriend again. Sometimes things happen to change the way someone fits into your life, and I hope you stop wasting time trying to make him fit, because he definitely doesn’t deserve you.

OMG I know this guy who is actually an Elder Gen X’er, but he never married, never moved out of his Boomer parents home and he’s one of those people that REFUSES to accept when anything is changed. Like, still calls certain roads the name they used to be called over 30 years ago and gets pissed when anyone corrects him or is confused.

I want to get this straight: Your daughter, a woman you brought into this world, just had one of your grand babies and was having a medical emergency (that you put in quotes because even though you know that it was serious you still think it wasn’t?), and helping out with these grand babies wasn’t gonna happen because you weren’t given 2 weeks notice? Why did this request fall on just your husband, anyway? You couldn’t handle 3 babies between the 2 of you?

Honestly, I don’t know how many different ways you need to be told YTA, but I’ll also leave you with this: Don’t be shocked when you aren’t close to your grandkids. It’s not a relationship that just happens because you think it should, you have to nurture it just like anything else. My maternal grandparents had us kids over several times a week. My dad’s mom pitched a fit every time she had to watch us. Guess which grandparents my sister and I literally took care of at the end of their lives and which grandmother we don’t even speak to.