Put this in biology books, much cuter than peas.

if only you had like a couple more snipers...

Football is a hobby where people vent a lot. We often are less pent up / have more possitive ways to vent. Other comments mentioned booze, its the same with that.

I was inside a videogame. I found a health potion more than what I could fit in my inventory, so I cheated by putting it in my pocket.


Thats amazing, but have you considered activating it when someone emotes "thank you" to make their appreciation extra meaningful.

I think of Portugal as the Canada of the iberian península.


Thats amazing, but have you considered activating it when someone emotes "thank you" to make their appreciation extra meaningful.

Taxes for freelancers are not proportional to earnings and thus becaming one is too risky.

Salaries are too low and have not been keeping up with the cost of living.

Rent is very high compared to salary due to speculation, despite being plentiful.

Others have pointed work culture, I think work culture in USA is way worse, except maybe in restaurant bussines. Also okupas are a non-issue overblown by media.

It's a call from the phone provider company.

Yo también prefiero a la gente hetero a la que no se le note mucho que lo son, que no hablen de su pareja, que no sean hombres muy masculinos ni mujeres muy femeninas. Estoy dispuesto a aceptar que tengan relaciones con el otro género siempre que lo escondan bien.

Traveling. Its good to go see stuff, but not worth the hassle of booking stuff or the uncorfortability of sleeping in other bed and running around.

Start using square trashcans, you may develop an irrational fear of round ones.

I'd asume It is a costume or uncommon fashion choice, I would not think of a modern day usa citizen.

Cheescake, but verything is a comfort food if you are hungry enough.

Fill those empty spaces in the front with soldiers, use Gates to let them retreat

Mayborne is uncool but resoruceful at the same time, like a cockroach. To be honest after all the things he goes through he ended up growing on me.

Yes, my bad, I meant assault rifle kind of guns.

Wendigoon help me understand why many usa citizens feel like they need their automatic guns. I don't agree, but I see their point.

Spain has a long tradition of having horrible names like Dolores and keeping them and just using the last name or a nickname in everyday situations, so actually the best you can do to integrate is keep It.

USA culture: live in a cardboard box and drive a tank EU culture: live in a castle and drive a teapot