In my experience, “sorry, that sucks” is about the only empathetic thing you can say. Unsolicited advice is usually not what they’re looking for, and offering to do things to help them usually just makes them say “no, that’s alright,” etc.

In my experience, “sorry, that sucks” is about the only empathetic thing you can say. Unsolicited advice is usually not what they’re looking for, and offering to do things to help them usually just makes them say “no, that’s alright,” etc.

I talk about this with my wife sometimes. I think the 80s produced some really creative music, with lots of electronic experimentation (the frontier of the day), plus a lot of different cultural influences and weird instruments, not to mention some pretty out-there lyrics and song structures. And that was all under the umbrella of pop.

Now, pop seems like mostly repetitive songs following the same formulas over and over, the same vocal styles, the same instrumentation, barely any experimentation, and it’s all hypersexualized. I’m just glad that outside of that bubble there are still lots of kids who listen to older music.

Good thing he’s on a bike and not a horse…

There are lots of murders around my neighborhood ;)

I drove through the painted desert while staying in Sedona, and asked the same question. I was told that yes, the whole place was underwater at several points in its geologic history, hence the water lines all over the landscape.

It’s only funny and entertaining if you are also drunk, because almost everything is funny and entertaining when you are drunk.

Because some people (the loud minority, believe me) are so stubborn and hard-headed they refuse to see logic and are purely operating in their “us vs them” world. “I don’t care wait he’s done or said, I’m voting for him because he’s my candidate and the other guy is their candidate.”

I figured out This Night Has Opened My Eyes by the Smiths, so it’s a go to. Also Long Journey by the Allah Las.


Was he from the east coast? They have I-dears, but put their silverware in draws.

Ok Reddit, calm down… OP, before you just leave a relationship none of us know anything else about, first fire a warning shot the next time he starts doing this, and tell him to delete all of them immediately or you will leave. If he refuses, then do what everyone else is saying. He might be an idiot, but maybe he can be an idiot who respects your boundaries.

I sometimes do this with people I’m not that close with because I feel like it would be weird to tell them “hey, I still have your phone number even though I never call you!”

Learn a bunch of religious songs on it using a nice resonant tone, then show them that electric guitar =/= death metal.

Riding a bike without a helmet. Safety aside, I was reeeally bummed out when they started requiring them under 18.

Weird how it’s in the car both times with music playing and you singing. See if you can recreate it, maybe you can narrow down what’s causing it.

It could be past trauma from a frigid cold bath that left him afraid of all baths? Our pup hates being cold, so we figured out warm water is the only way. Maybe only give him a bath the same way every time, with warm (almost hot) water, so he’ll eventually realize that he knows what to expect.

Another thought is that he doesn’t like being singled out, as in you’re not “taking a bath” with him? Our pup is small, so we just take her in the shower and wash her as we shower. She doesn’t mind, she just stands under the warm water to keep from getting cold. She loves drying off with the hair dryer afterward too. Not sure how big your pup is, but you could try that?

With you on this one. Damn near 50 takes for one 3-minute song sometimes. I draw the line at “it’s not totally fucked.”

All these draconian middle schoolers seriously need to get off the internet and interact with real people.