They are real obviously but there are women like me who have struggled so hard to conceive don't really care about the risks since they want to have a baby badly.

If someone brought any of these abominations to a potluck, they should be banned from attending for life.

They can learn about the risks in health class and sex ed. My position is for women who want children to not to be harped at by other women who are usually bitter, single, childfree man hating feminists trying to discourage them from having children.

'Why would random women having children affect you either way?'

You should be telling the OP of this thread this, not me. Literally what business is it of OP's to whine about women having children that they want to have? Not every woman wants to know the risks.

Not really, unless you want to put money on his books if he wants food off of commissary if he's sick of the sandwiches. Maybe contact his attorney or lawyer.


Fearmongering isn't informing or educating. Scaring women into not wanting to have children is heartless, especially if they're capable of having children in first world countries.

Fucking heartless of you to post this shit since there are women who struggle to conceive. I don't care about the risks, I want to have children with the man I love.

Just because you don't want children, it doesn't mean you get to fearmonger.

Ground venison, use it as it the protein for your chosen fried rice recipe, and use butter or tallow for frying.

A book character is not a real person so it doesn't matter if Lilith is a 'bad person' to name someone after.


I was in the woods far from a real bathroom yeas ago. Better than leaves.

No, it's already difficult for me to restrain my dog who's reactive to other dogs and is a big dog-he is mentally defective and cannot pick up new tricks or commands no matter how much I've tried. He even got kicked out of dog training classes.

I have to deal with idiotic little rat dog owners who can't seem to get a clur to pick up their damn dogs and not look at their phone while wtf.

I'm not going to be responsible because of some crazy cat lady think that cats should be out and about like dogs. You're out of your fucking mind, you entitled toxoplasmosis invested dumbass.

Vanity sizing which is an attempt to coddle obese people and their feelings. In other parts of the world, obese people ate rightfully shamed into losing weight.

But here in America, we're socially forced to coddle them.

Fatphobia isn't real. I'm not afraid of obese people, I'm disgusted by them, especially the ones who claim obesity and fatness are disabilities. Do you know how insulting that is to a legally deaf/hoh person like me or any other disabled person?

The guy that was surgically turned into a walrus and got raped by the creepy, deranged old man.

Tusk should have never been made.

'COs getting hurt' Lmao. Do you realize a lot of them are abusive to inmates and have caused the death of countless other inmates?

Also I don't like bootlickers and AI needs to be destroyed, it's not normal or natural. AI will lead to a dystopian future.

Just give inmates better treatment and treat them like humans. Quit punishing all inmates just because one fucked up. 'Oh, it's this guy's fault but let's punish everyone with a lockdown'. Get rid of corrupt prison guards and COs, deputies and sheriffs.

He is faithful. I left my abusive shitty family to be with him. He put a roof over my head, always made sure we had food on the table, he even got me a dog. He wouldn't want a random skank over the woman he plans on having children with. You're out of your mind talking like you know him.

Women who have loved ones in prison shouldn't have to worry about skanks trying to seduce and fuck their boyfriend/husband.

Skanks have STDs. There shouldn't be any women working in male jails or prisons anyway.

Supporting him and being there for him.

Cooking, cleaning and laundry.

Watching his favorite movies with him even though I hate Sci fi.