Best case: win 3 straight Stanley Cups.

Worst case: We have a “We are Marshall” incident and the whole team dies in a plane crash.

Next question.

My brothers in Christ, I’ve finally found my teenis doppelgänger.

My mom would kill him if he did that on her couches haha

Gotcha. Didn’t know about that. Thanks for the info

Gotcha. Had no clue but makes sense. Thanks for the info

Rule 18 in colregs covers it. Boat has right away based off hierarchy but in court both would take a percentage of the blame because of what rule 2 states.

You’re right. Good seamanship and collision avoidance is above all and in court both would share blame. Based off of rule 18 though the plane would take majority of the blame in court.

Iaw colregs rule 18 the boat has the right away. It’s a hierarchy situation not crossing

It’s a hierarchy situation not crossing. Boat has right away iaw colregs

Scooters every time they’re in Walmart.

I bet San Diego is way nicer than where you live.

Makes millions for a couple months of “tough work”. What a hard life.

Utah Stormin Mormons would be sick. Or golden tablets or salamanders