My favourite bit of this story is the weird little connection to Mormon influencers. Apparently a Utah influencer blog basically started plugging these since 2017 or so when it wasn’t a priority for Stanley and kept getting the stock sold out. They ended up doing a deal to sell a run of 5000 on consignment in 2019 and sold them in like a week and naturally that’s your market proof right there.

Theres some suggestion that this is also in part a product of Utah’s weird thing where there aren’t coffee shops because Mormons so there was kind of a trend for what are called ‘dirty sodas’ (read: flavoured bubbly water) and the cup holder friendly giant Stanley quencher being a good way for morms to get their Starbucks coffee Instagram post but with their ‘dirty soda’ instead. Not sure if I buy that so much but the time lines do kinda line up. The ‘soda shops’ seemed to gain some traction circa 2015 and started expanding outside of Utah circa 2016.

funneling huge traffic onto the Stanley site when the ‘quencher’ cup

I think of this every time I buy a big ol bag of salt or pepper that was in eras past worth literally more than its weight in gold

Works on contingency? No, money down!

Oh literally just moved into the sector straight out of the gate hey?

Works on contingency? No, money down!

How’re you travelling?

Works on contingency? No, money down!

I’m super interested in this pathway - I’ve effectively stepped sideways into a job that is notionally inhouse but is actually way more like business operations but I can’t quite think how to spin that into tech?

Can I ask how you made the jump?

Look that tracks with what I’d heard of Ryan and what he’s up to these days. I seem to recall he fell out with a few co owners etc over the years and I suspect by the time of the closure he was just super burnt out trying to actually make money instead of cool dishes. I got the impression that he’s the kinda guy who just needs a patron to give him a budget to run a kitchen.

It’s been interesting to see the more creative style places move towards small 10-20 seat venues. I suspect it makes good business sense because you can basically be assured you’ll be close to capacity every night you’re open, you can control your service a bit better not to mention lower rent but I gotta say it really feels like there are fewer and fewer around.

Admittedly I might well be part of the problem. In the pre covid world I tried to get out to a new venue at least once a month, kept up with all the openings etc etc but that habit got thoroughly broken. Now I suspect this stupid ‘cost of living’ nonsense means I probably couldn’t even afford to pick that habit back up. Bleak times.

Six Degrees which used to be in Indooroopilly was such a fixture of my youth. I really miss that place.

In fine dine world I really miss esquire. They had so many great dishes over their run.

I was in a maintenance hangar just the other day and it was 109s as far as the eye could see. I have no other option but to conclude that they move in herds.

They prefer to call it ‘patronage’ and it’s classy

Very similar to what I dose on my breville basket. I almost never exceed 18g my usual beans are a darker medium roast and I think my best results dose 17.8

I absolutely love the look of this. I don’t do much events work with a team these days (funnily enough having moved more towards system integration and development work) but this looks like a great project.

I’m hoping that a smaller conference Im involved in later this year will get just big enough to where it’d make sense to spin up an instance.

Best of luck with the project and keep up the good work!

If you’re looking at that airframe and going - that looks like an Embraer ERJ 145 with a bunch of crap strapped to it.

You’re right! It is based on the ERJ 145 modified by Embraer to support the various sensor packs needed for an early warning & control aircraft.

From a purely visual perspective the rising sun flag is absolutely dope. Shame about the war crimes.

Honestly….its Sydney, it’s always busted

If you’re interested in something more ‘fine dining’ end - I wholeheartedly commend NOTA in Paddington.

I have a family that’s full of all sorts of dietary limitations (including one with no onion and two with no garlic) and they managed to do a fantastic 5 course menu for us on like a days notice.

The thing I appreciated the most was that some of us have no dietary restrictions, but they served sharing style with almost every dish suitable for most requirements. It didn’t feel like anyone was missing out, and it is by far the most seamless dining experience I’ve ever had with my family (who have the terrible habit of remembering they can’t eat two of the most common ingredients going until they actually order).

In recent months they’ve also been able to be accommodated at rose and crown in south bank, and surprisingly enough IL MOLO at bulimba.

Best of luck!

I think I’d agree with this take in as far as I think moving to IP networks is just going to deliver more flexibility at a lower cost over time. It may not offer the same quality but convenience over quality has been the story in every corner of media for the last 30 years.

I tend to run live streams for small scale events with maybe 4 cameras and a couple of cat 6 runs to a mixer and then into the encoder. I think moving to more IP based transmission earlier in the chain would be substantially more flexible just in terms of who can operate, how we place things in venues and even just simpler cable runs. I’ve not had much of an opportunity to explore NDI cause budget but it’s a very exciting prospect.

Who hasn’t seen the ol ‘save a rhino, hunt a poacher’ bumper stickers. There just happen to be parts of the world where that takes on a much more literal meaning.

Tbf anecdotally a lot of Asian women are suuuuuper aware of this and do not?