Damn, haven't had a pair in 30 years. This makes me want a new pair

My DNA test says, I'm Finnish /Norwegian. Hopefully I can make it to Sweden

Bummer, if you make it to Los Angeles, my treat

As a Los Angeleno, where's the In N Out Double Double?

As a 57 yo male who bought into the kids become more conservative as the get older... I was a Reagan Republican, once I had children and saw their struggles, I have become so much more liberal, realizing that capitalization is not the solution.

Democratic Socialist

Both my now ex wife and I were raised Catholic, I became agnostic by 17 and atheist by 19 after a lot of research.

The mother of my children is still spiritual.

We always believed to not indoctrinate them and let them do their own research.

All I can say I am prowd of the people they have become

I had surgery due an AV Fistula, but your mom's scary is much more cool.

Hope she is recovering like I have

Jacques Mehoff was mine in the 80`s on the PA ststem

:Orange: Orange :Orange:

As someone who moved from LA Puente (25 miles east of Los Angeles) to Lake Forest, be prepared for non gridded streets and judgy neighbors. I'm in Old Towne Orange now and find my neighbors much friendlier. As a bonus there is 3 major hospitals within a few minutes for me. UCI Medical Center (a trauma center) St Joe's and CHOC( Children's Orange County).

Democratic Socialist

I'll probably get downvoted, but it was a misplaced war.

After 9/11/2001 the USA should have attacked the country that funded the terrorist attacks on our country. Pull out of Saudi Arabia and attack them, not Iraq or our historical ally Afghanistan.

IMO. it would have brought more peace to the Arabian countries. But instead we sold out to the highest bidder like we have done the last 40 years.

Source: Once a Reagan Republican now a Progressive Liberal

Just checked my cheez-its. No paper, I feel cheated.

Yup, I needed my Indian friend to give the ok. I was complaining for a week.... Find an Indian friend to couch for you.

I had to work in New Zealand a few times. The Indian IT director told me there was 3 types of hot. Kiwi, which was mild, Regular which to me was medium and Indian. I could never get Indian hot until we were at dinner one night, I ordered Indian hot, the waiter looked at him and he nodded that it was ok. Finally got something hot. After that every time I went to the restaurant they remembered me.

LOL, wish I was stoned and not sleep deprived..... Almost the same feeling though

Nice, I have been twice. Q NA$CAR fee and 2 F1 races. I live in SoCal, so I can't make it ever year

Very cool, Why would someone throw the ticket away????

No regrets here, I had to make sure my children were not exposed to this evil man.

For sure. I'm a F1 fan so I love to see guys like JP Rossi

I did that with my mother, her husband and her family when I discovered that he molested all of my siblings and just beat the shit out of me. Been 20 years and it feels good to this day.