So weird to see morons go to bat for Microsoft/windows when they fuck their users in the ass with every update.

I replaced windows with Linux Mint, if you truly care about your privacy you’d do something similar.

I’m terrified of black holes, i regularly have nightmares about falling into them

So what are the issues that come from this? How do i protect myself now that this has happened? Is it worth leaving Authy?

If something isn’t ignorant/idiot friendly, it’s not user friendly lol

That seems insane, I figured they’d care more about Apple TV than shield

Isn’t this an issue with the ATV hardware and not Plex?

No there are other mentally disabled people out there too, you’re not alone

I have not had an issue with a single boss yet, and I’m pretty sure I’m at the end of the DLC. I’m a level 180 big guts big sword cosplayer

Why does unraid care about the type of disc in the array?

You’re talking to Redditors here don’t forget, who have the collective media literacy of a “release the Snyder cut” moron

Between the lines? Redditors can barely read the actual lines