YouTube searches are unbelievably bad. I used to go into the filter to try and get meaningful results, but now I just use NewPipe to search

I'm also of Irish heritage (partly). The iron helps not just my energy, but it seems to help make my period easier even without the prescription pills.

You can get a low-dose over-the-counter iron supplement, but be sure to take it with food or it will upset your stomach. Also, don't take too much or it will cause constipation. Make sure you're eating more meat than usual with your meals, and remember Vitamin C will help your body absorb the iron.

And please do talk to a doctor, they're the real experts!

It's not necessarily endometriosis. I also have very difficult periods, and when I talked to a doctor about it, that was the first thing she looked for. I don't have it.

OP, you can be prescribed medication that makes your periods lighter. Also, if you aren't already, make sure you're taking iron

I read once about how there are more children in foster care because their parents died of Covid, but I've never seen it mentioned again. Also, I wonder if domestic violence has gone back down or not, or if we'll ever know, since it was harder to report it and get help

I read that a lot of experienced (older) factory workers quit during Covid and never went back, and a lot of expertise on running the machines properly was lost. I also heard my mechanic telling someone about how car parts made post-Covid fail at such a greater rate than they used to, so people are coming in with issues with their brand-new cars

Do you mean hypothetically? It could have, if I owned two cameras

My dad called this a "Dream Sandwich". It's so good that just plain grilled cheese seems dreary by comparison. I think he sometimes dipped it in egg as well

Children's book, probably from the 90s, about a boy joining piratesSpoilerUNSOLVED

I probably read this book in the 90s or early 2000s, but it could be older. I think it was a chapter book and I don't think it was a well-known classic.

I remember that there was a boy, his father, and his sister, and I think they were travelling somewhere (possibly sailing). They end up fighting some bad guys (I think they were pirates) and the boy is separated from his family. When he is captured by the pirates later, they show him two graves, point to one and say, "Here lies your father." To their amusement, he throws himself on the other grave and weeps for his sister. He doesn't want to join them, so they starve him for a few days and then show him a table full of food, with the promise that he can eat as much as he wants if he joins them, so he does.

Spoiler: >! I don't remember much of the rest of the plot, but I remember that he finds his sister, and it turns out she survived and the grave he thought was hers was actually one of the pirates. !<

I don't remember any character names or anything else, so I'm really hoping this will ring a bell with somebody!