Doesn't feel unique in any way to me.

Not trying to be mean, but if you still spent 125$ you still lost money. I'm sure you won't have time to play all those games and they will sit in your library like everyone's else.

Breakin Nemesis

It's not the case. Hackers impersonate accounts and target them. Then, the wrong accounts get banned. Also, I've heard that Behavior forgets to remove the device id ban, something that just shows negligence and unprofessionalism.

Breakin Nemesis

You're getting downvoted for no reason. You actually have a point.

Breakin Nemesis

Most people don't even know what her power is at the current point. I understand it may need some tweaks, but she will just become more confusing to players than she already was.

Breakin Nemesis

The only reason I started to play Skull Merchant recently is because wins come in a streak with her. I can farm bloodpoints without having to get frustrated of losing or stuff like this. From my experience, people don't lose because she is too overpowered, they lose because they give up.

I was thinking of Doom Eternal maybe, but I'm new to the series and I don't know if I'd like it.

Might as well start playing games on my phone 😂

I find it funny that the game is named World of Assassination, but you can still buy just a third of that "world".

The answer I was looking for. Thanks!

Then he could upload the updated version on nexus instead of giving it separately on discord to different users.

Sorry for the mistake, but I've seen other people on nexus saying to contact them via discord for a new mod version and they just ask for money after getting in touch. I thought this was the same case here.

Might be a stupid question: is Hitman similar to old assassin's Creed games? I'm not referring to parkour or all the other aspects, just stealth as a whole.

Well thanks for letting me know. I haven't played Hitman previously, but this selling scheme keeps me away from the series entirely!

Breakin Nemesis

Karma is real :2070::2070::2070::2070:

I actually didn't find anything to buy this summer sale other than Hitman - which isn't even the full edition.

What? It's only part one? I was about to purchase it...

Check the nexus comments on V2.

Apparently the special content mod was broken (the one that unlocked the horse).

In the end I just got the original AB scripthook (funny, the original one works but the V2 is not updated). Then, I got rampage and just spawned that goddamn horse.

I didn't suspect the special content mod to be the problem, because it was updated as late as may 2024 if I remember correctly.

People, stop making mods if they are broken.

Assassin's Creed Origins, Odyssey. They are nothing like the old assassin's Creed games.

I don't like anything that's on sale