I think the obvious implication and something that isn't far fetched at all is that these are not supes in the Super hero sense of most comics where they were born this way and are either from families of extraordinary beings with preset cultural contexts (Warriors, hunters, protectors, or even conquerors), which already ensure either spme sort of destiny, or purpose and training that would allow them to hone their skill sets.

All super in this show are manufactured in a lab as a result of some compound that was specifically engineered for commercial and superficial purposes. Not for a group of people that could be relied upon to save the world and that includes Homelander. They are products that behave like nothing else other than that. None of them have a single purpose other than being in the Seven or for some sort of celebrity status etc.

Basically, none of them are good at using their powers efficiently or well enough because they don't need to and neither does the world they live expect them to do so. Homelander is basically invincible but seems actually pretty underdeveloped or still at the stage of adolescence, so other than being either completely menacing because he can, or being completely unmotivated because he has no equal what else can he do? Being smart is unfortunately not one of his powers.

So why didn't they if it wasn't a vote of confidence? Has anyone stopped to think that maybe that was one of his conditions to either get the extension triggered now or walk? Not one gets a stay of execution by exercising an option for an additional year.

He wouldn't be obligated to stay based on the fact that they triggered the extension. He's not a player. He could easily have said hey, after the drama and lack of backing from your side leading to and after the FA Cup, you can do one and I'll be looking for other opportunities.

I understand we want to paint this picture that the decision was solely on the Clubs side, even after ETH had categorically said he'd met the heriachy and they'd discussed the way forward, and how confident he seemed in all his dressers even leading to the FA Cup, triggering the option for his additional year is basically as much backing as is practical and feasible at this point.

If it was a matter of well there weren't better options available now, then they'd have let him see out his contract and found a replacement after. And we can't say there weren't options because they spoke to a couple of people, so maybe there are other considerations we are just not aware of and he should be given credit for always backing himself and taking his stance and being defiance to a point of saying, if you want to sack me, I'll go win trophies elsewhere.

Drop Foden for Mainoo, have Bellingham in the 10 position, and Saka on the right. Foden can't play in the 10 position with both Kane and Bellingham. Saka is the only person who offers any sort of width in that team, so wouldn't take him off.

I'd actually much rather have Palmer in the 10 role even ahead of Foden, and if you are to play Foden, play him on the right. He's more deadly there, albeit as an RW than an out and out winger.

The left is where the current issues are, since there is zero width there and a case could actually be made for Gordon to play there or come on with more time left. And get in behind the defenses because England is playing too Narrow and there's almost zero runs in behind defenses

:PL:Premier League

I think for 55-60, you get the deal done. We desperately need 2 CBs, so I think this could happen

:PL:Premier League

Or get new Sugar daddies. We can't have another Chelsea situation. The club has to get the sanction as well or whatever decision they make, points deduction and fine etc etc. But there has to be some sort of ramifications yes, for the owners that's for sure.

You can't take that long to decide and then later say or go into your final year, and we'll see how it goes. He'd have walked away and rightfully so. If you aren't still sure about him after the review, sack him. Otherwise, you have to commit and back him 100%.

Besides, the extension doesn't even need to be more than a year so he could be available for another two years. Focus on the transfers now (in and out), and focus on the upcoming season. Personally I'm glad he's around for another year, because I Personally want to see what he'll achieve with a fully fit squad and some new players coming in.

Lastly, hope Sancho is drafting his apology letter now or is speed dialling agents across Europe looking for a new club!

Is Mainoo really a 6, though? Strikes me as a number 8? And this is actually where I would have made a case for Henderson to bring some balance in that midfield because a 3 of Mainoo, Bellingham and Rice feels very offensive.

And given how the Stones and Maguire partnership is not there these Euros, I feel they'll need to be a bit more compact in the middle to protect that defensive and give their forward 3 free reign. Otherwise they'll get done for by the better sides that's for sure.

And the funniest part being that they always introduce him like someone that has the inside scoop to all these stories, and every 30 minute segment is introduced like he has some new updates, only for him to waffle for the next 20 minutes...

It's not about whether or not the other person decided to have unprotected sex, it's the fact that she willingfully had unprotected sex with them even after she knew of her status.

Im certain that now, in many countries and increasingly so, it's a criminal act for you to have unprotected sex with someone without disclosing your HIV status if you know you are HIV+. I reckon that's the issue here.

Well, those are some of the problems that are coming up to catch up with them, compared to Chelsea, where they exploit legal loopholes until it's no longer possible. That's why they didn't value those hotels at 500 million

It's not you that determines the market price, so you can't decide by yourself. You'd normally bring in an external assessor to do so, especially with properties. The issue is with the so called third part sponsorship deals where the "commercial value" of the deal is a lot harder to prove or dispute.

I think the condition is you can only do the transactions at market conditions so you can't sell for 200 and buy back for 20...but you can sell at Market Price to sister companies

:PL:Premier League

I think he's definitely going after the FA Cup final events. If it's to be believed (which I'm more inclined to because he was included in the lineups when they came out and later replaced).

In any case, my original point was, other than one or two games, Amrabat hasn't shown enough to stay and even for 21 mil which is a lot btw, I'd rather spend that on someone else because I'm not even convinced he's worth that much.

:PL:Premier League

That's a lot of money for his Output mate. He's been below average the whole season and had a few decent games. So for that amount I'd rather add 30mil and bring in a Casemeiro replacement.

Most of Madrids goal contributions came from having Bellingham more advanced, and he also played a big role in this, to the point where he was the difference between Madrid winnning and losing some games, especially in the league. Mbappe and Vini are forwards who also play in the same position, but none of them are out and out strikers.

Bellingham will naturally need to play a less advanced role and add some playmaking in the midfield since Kross is now gone. Vini and Mbappe can't both play on the left, so a decision will have to be made, meaning one of them either going through the middle or right.

There's a reason why Giroud still plays a key role for France, even with Mbappe there. Mbappe needs a foil through the middle to create the space he needs on the left. Vini, every time he beats his man, more often than not, he will try to find a player in the middle or far post. The Dortmund game should have made this obvious.

:PL:Premier League

Nope. Played one hell of a game for the finals in the FA Cup but is otherwise limited. If he'd be available for a cut price on low wages, I'd be open to him staying since the likes of Ericksen and Casemeiro are likely leaving in the summer and we need to bring in two CMs anyways, otherwise I'd focus on bringing in a Casemeiro replacement that can walk into the first XI, and focus on other areas like 2CBs and another striker

Mate, Sancho was given 3 months, or was it even more off, to go and get his shit together, and he came back worth. 3 managers couldn't get a tune out of this fella. When an arm around the shoulder doesn't work, then it's time for a kick up the backside.

If you criticise and call your manager a liar publicly, then best believe you need to apologise publicly end of. As for Klopp, you must not have seen how he's team was built around a collective work ethic where everyone run their asses off for the team.

Pep called Phillips overweight mate and has had a go at his players on live TV!! Mourinho once said Luke Shaw was only playing well because it was Mourinhos brain on one pitch and he treated him like shit and yet he still buckled down and performed. Sancho is exactly the kind of player none of those managers would have wanted in their teams.

The irony is using Rashford as an example when he, as well as Garnancho have been the fastest to apologise to the gaffer and get on with their football whenever they were in the wrong. Sancho tho, nah, he's from the street innit, it's some type of code and all that type of nonsense. He needs a hug and a hand around his shoulder to bring out the best in him? Nonsense that. On top of the millions he's getting?

Maybe you haven't played competitive sports. The driving principle of all winning teams is that the collective, and the team. The focus shouldn't be on building a team around a single person, but rather, having clearly defined roles and seeing where everyone fits in. The players work for the team and not the other way round.

That is literally what we've been dealing with since Pogba, where we get fixated on making individuals work at the expense of the team, rather than focusing on the team at the expense of certain individuals and if they can't fit in, find players that can and not change the team to fit the player.

Look at what happened to Cancelo??? The club has done what it can to make Sancho work, he's had a chance under three managers and what has he done? Silva at City has played LB just to fit into and contribute to the team, we don't need a Sancho that can only play in a certain position and only perform under specific circumstances.

One of my first responsibilities as a player in all the teams I've been in (not professional and not being paid even), was to listen first to my coach's instructions and apply myself to the best of my ability. It never feels like Sancho feels comfortable doing any of that and just wants to coast around and turn up whenever he feels like. That's the kind of player and nonsense we definitely do not need moving forward.