Saw this in theaters and was driving home with a friend after and saw some glowing eyes on the side of the road. It was a deer, but I about shit myself.

It's easier to maneuver in that/ nothing restricting her movement.

Yea no way she didn’t know. Unless she’s just crazy. I know my mom wouldn’t have pretty much forced me to open a package that I had ordered. It was strange how curious she was.

They’ll need to repent for smoking the Devil’s lettuce.

Very true. I worked there a few years ago and it just wasn’t for me, but amazing customer service. No way an employee would talk to a customer like that. And you’re right, the subs are bitchin’. I don’t even eat subway anymore pub subs are too delicious.

Same. I bought one of those portable chargers because of the problem. Very frustrating.

When my family would go on trips I guess our cats would meow a lot, so when we’d get back our cockatiel would meow. Not like an average cat meow, but more, “ Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow” super fast haha. I wish I had it recorded, but it’s been a while since I’ve heard him do it.

True, I’ll leave it to the black labs to make that decision.

Dalmatians are mixed so I assume they’re in the clear.

One of my friends in college was super lazy and never did shit on time, but always somehow got extensions for assignments. He was always going to chat with his professors though so I guess that may have had something to do with it.

Me and my friends used to download hella porn on limewire and watch it together. My friend shared that computer with his siblings and it was obvious other people were downloading pornos as well. No one jacked off or anything we’d just watch haha. That computer got fucked with viruses though.

Obviously they’ve never seen him in Sons of Anarchy.

Yea I love getting into the comment and then... BAM! Bamboozled again! Gives me a good chuckle

After a night at the bar and multiple Jagerbombs, one of my roommates decided it would be fun to jump in the air and kick both feet into the wall. Dude made an enormous hole then he fell and his head slammed onto the hardwood floor. Had a lot of crazy things happen in that house.

Holy shit I didn’t realize what it was until you said that. I just went back and looked at it again and busted out laughing. The turd next to the cock wasn’t super funny, but I just kept thinking,”Who the fuck does that?” And it just made me laugh more and more.

Jesus, it’s way worse with sound. Bet that was super painful.

As soon as I saw that first cop car I was like, “That’s totally GSP.”

Well the asteroid cancels all the other bad things out because everyone will be killed, so you might as well ask anyway.

He did have a gun, but I believe he had a concealed carry permit.

Ever since Reddit has exploded with popularity I see people post the same ass shit all of the time. There has always been reposts, but expect to see other posts and this one again. Just karma whores and people who don’t use Reddit as often as others posting old things.

What’s up with people saying murked recently? Nothing wrong with it just haven’t heard people say it in years.