I see your lil pirate pitty and raise you this; MY lil pirate pitty

Rain, bath and the very obvious choice; the kitchen colander. Something I learned quite recently πŸ˜…


Mowgli, my little wild boy from The Jungle Book

Ahaha, I'd like to think so too. He looks like he holds great knowledge, but he shall only give it for the tastiest of treats

Oh my goodness! What an adorable pout she has, I'm so sorry for your loss ❀️

Awww she looks like such the refined little lady!

So very sorry, I'll make sure to use ATLEAST nine next time!

For online, my two horses are Rubella & Polio and for story it's Penthesilea, because strong female horse πŸ’ͺ🐴

Of course the guilty boy lawyered up! I would expect no different!!

Of course, it must be a mistake on my part. A different dog must have snuck in and took his place in bed πŸ˜† he is too much of a good boy to do that!

Yep, he was a bit of a wild child when I first got him, so the name stuck immediately.

I thought so too! His muzzle has that slight upturn and is a little too stubby for pit/staff and now it makes sense why!

That was from me telling him to sit and stay before taking him for a walk πŸ˜†

I used wisdom panel and got very speedy results, only waited about a week and a few days 😊

I think he is mostly staffy, but there are definitely some other breeds in there, mostly just curious where his ears come from

No clue! He was a rescue, so he was labelled as a staff mix. My curiosity HAS got the better of me so I have bought a doggy dna test to find out. I will be sure to show the results on here :)