It's been a week. I'd call back and ask if they have a scheduled date for the fix. If not, I wouldn't even ask, just take it off your window and do what you want. It's completely unreasonable for a landlord to force your windows closed indefinitely.

If that's true then that makes way more sense.

What's your solution then genius? If you can't call the authorities to investigate what's going on when you get a letter soliciting cp, what exactly are you supposed to do?

I wasn't advocating for socialism, I was advocating for reducing cost and government spending by adopting policies that are significantly cheaper than what we have now.

It's a dollar equation.

Yes, asking for criminal material affecting children.

So if this is a trick to get someone in trouble I'm sure having the FBI show up at their door would get this harassment to stop really quick.

The FBI has a taskforce dedicated to tracking crimes against children. You can get more info at their website.

I'm sure it has to do with wanton government spending and years of never ending wars.

Like the $7 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan, then the $130 billion to Ukraine and the new bill for over $100 billion to Israel and Ukraine.

And the government not addressing single payer healthcare because our current system costs more than single payer and it's easier to funnel money to shareholders.

Or the fact that the government doesn't audit mega wealthy because it's "too much work".

Respectfully I don't understand why you're upset that your loser wife decided to leave you when you couldn't bring yourself to leave her after she repeatedly got addicted to things, repeatedly started fights over small things, repeatedly couldn't hold a job for over a month, repeatedly broke things in your house during fights.

I get it you grew up in the system but my man, you gotta love yourself.

My friend, my dear friend, you're only 18, you don't know what women like.

Trust me dude, just focus on finding a look that is good for you, and you won't have problems finding women. Don't be surprised if you have women approach you.

Once you stop looking at the world from a point of "I need to be picked" and you start looking at the world from "I get to pick", the dating world, professional world, everything gets better. You make yourself up to be a commodity, something desirable both physically fit, emotionally intelligent, professionally developed (through like certifications or diplomas) then you'll be able to pick your own job, your own girlfriend, your own life.

Become a commodity, you are nothing but potential!

My friend, short bald men also slay. Just go to the gym and get a decent physique then you're golden.

Women who like bald men, like bald men. Women who like short men, like short men.

The women who like both, well they're gonna love you.

You aren't unattractive, you just aren't your type.

Super Helper [5]

Yeah i have to agree with a lot of the other comments. I understand as a 20 year old male and meeting people and getting new friends, unfortunately it's also an age where certain age gaps in friendships start to look negatively, for you specifically.

When you're a senior in highschool you can have freshmen or sophomore friends, but once you're college age or drinking age, that's where you really have to stick with people somewhat close to your age.

As a fellow old person, i agree. And no homie, you can let those tears out.

How can they search the database and see that it's registered to a 17 year old if a 17 year old can't register it?

Tolerance paradox. You tolerate this once, it will continue to grow because you tolerate it now and again in the future.

This behavior, a lie about murder, must be addressed swiftly and with justice the moment it occurs. Do you want your country to end up like the us?

Super Helper [5]

This has to be a joke right? Your friend is traveling across the country to sleep in a tent and get drunk with your boyfriend and you don't know if something's going on?

Absolutely there is.

Women wipe after they shit? You guys really are different

Small piece of advice. Buy a bidet with a feminine wash setting too. It helps you with swamp ass in the summer and helps her freshen up from whatever happens with her lady parts.

Cut down on toilet paper use so much in my house, it's crazy.

Super Helper [5]

I'd just give a refund and if it happens again then fire the customer. Customer could be telling the truth, could be lying.

To piggy back on this: interoception is an executive function effected by the prefrontal cortex and toddlers do not have developed prefrontal cortex.

My theory is that human brain isn't developed enough to realize they're thirsty until lizard brain screams.

I hear what you're saying and it makes sense. It's semantics but the weight of the words and emphasis make sense.


Respect my food and my cooking, cook your own food, or get out of my house.

Damn shame that Google translate has a conversation setting where two people can speak totally different languages and get real time translations.

You want the poom poom, find a way to get to the poom poom!