This is not a sentence I thought I would be reading today...

That is awesome to hear! Yeah, the plan is to just leave the nest alone and let the lifecycle complete itself. I didn't know that the parents would leave the nest alone, I thought they would keep adding more and more eggs like paper wasps and never want to leave.

Thank you for the info and for finding out that it's a native species! I'll let my neighbor know that they aren't aggressive or overprotective, and hopefully she's comfortable with letting the nest stay.

Overall not aggressive to people

Although that is reassuring, the nest is located at the top of the entryway to my front door and I have to walk right under it to enter and leave my apartment. I'm assuming the best idea is to still get rid of the nest?


Yeah I have nothing against people who just want to take a break from bots and enjoy the bug front, but it's interesting seeing how many people just DGAF about the major orders. These are supposed to be the drivers for the story progression of the galactic war. Maybe it's a sign that the devs need to showcase the AT mines so we actually know how useful (or not) they're going to be. Then people can make a more informed decision about where to fight.


That's basically the stratagem input for the Patriot exosuit. It's 7 arrows though, nearly two full circles.

Twelve Angry Beings of Middle Earth


I think that's because she doesn't even have full control of the ship anymore. Inquisitor Grendyl has taken control to some extent all in the name of the Inquisition and the Emperor.


To be fair, her ranking is so high that it doesn't make sense for us rejects to interact with her regularly. It would be like an entry level office worker interacting with some high level director or regional manager.


IS EVERYONE JUST FORGETTING THERE'S A BOOSTER FOR THIS?? The muscle enhancement booster either reduces the slowing intensity of things like bushes or the duration for everything else, like hunter attacks.

I'm in the same boat. I don't plan on ever playing PVP and from what I hear, the nerfed alphas get their asses kicked by Bellanoir in a matter of seconds. I would prefer having large HP pools and it still be a 1v1 against raid bosses. Or like the tower bosses where players can fight it together, each with their own party, not a whole freaking base.

Breeding simulator has been boring, and a lot easier than other people made it seem. It took me a couple days to get my first Anubis and then my first perfect Jormuntide Ignis only a few hours later. HOURS, not DAYS like a lot of people say. Other users talk about the "time commitment" of breeding, but I just set up the breeding farm then go do something else for an hour. No commitment whatsoever.

Yeah I think they nerfed the legendary alphas a bit too much. I understand why they did it, but now the alphas aren't even special anymore. I've just been playing breeding simulator to get an Anubis and Jormuntide Ignis with max work speed passives. Gonna see if they revert the nerfs in the meantime. If not, might as well go back to spreading managed democracy.

Personally, I disagree with what you said about obtaining an alpha legendary with good IVs and good passives not requiring much skill. Fighting an alpha legendary and capturing it is IMO much more difficult to do in comparison to breeding. Arguably, I feel it is supposed to be one of those key moments that a player will remember and revel in. On the other hand, what skill is there in placing two pals in a breeding farm and filling up the chest with cake? How does the effort to breed one Jetragon even compare to fighting the alpha Jetragon and capturing it? That question takes away my incentive to continue fighting the alpha legendaries, even if I haven't gotten any of the legendary schematics yet.

Admittedly, I see where you're coming from with putting a lot of time into breeding, just for it to all be rendered useless by one lucky alpha. But think about it, just HOW rare is that perfectly rolled alpha? Wouldn't it also take 100+ hours of farming alphas in order to get that perfect one? And you would have to be actively fighting each and every alpha you captured along the way, instead of getting to go AFK while breeding fills up your palbox.

I'm not asking for breeding to be made obsolete, but I'm also not asking for legendary alphas to be pointless to capture and farm, because spending all those legendary spheres just to double my minuscule chance at a schematic is not worth it. Is it too much to ask for my time and effort to be rewarded accordingly in this game?

Yeah but realistically, what are the odds of capturing a legendary alpha with all the right passives? Especially with how much time and effort it takes just to capture one? As an example, I bred nearly 200 relaxaurus lux's until I eventually just gave up on getting all 4 passives I was aiming for. If that's what the devs were trying to address (as in, prevent people from gaining access to 4-passive pals with 12-15k HP because they were utilizing mods), then I don't think this is the answer. You can't design something as fundamental as game balance around the playerbase's access to and usage of mods. And if they want to make sure everything is balanced for PVP, then create some sort of balancing scale specifically for PVP that removes things like the HP multiplier for legendary alphas or the elemental resistance for alphas during a PVP fight. Why remove an entire way of doing the PVE endgame content when you could just add a balancing mechanic that only applies during PVP?

If the developers wanted to make sure breeding pals didn't become an obsolete mechanic of the game, it worked. Now it's the ONLY way to play for endgame content if you have any respect for your own time and effort in a videogame. Even keeping in mind the legendary weapon schematics, it isn't worth it to fight and capture legendary alphas if I'm going to spend all those legendary spheres to get the same result as standing AFK in my base.

Okay I never even think of that. That does make a good point. Seed mine, ignis rage and all of the tornado moves benefit from hitting larger pals. Wow, I'm even less inclined than before to use any of my alphas. Like not even just the legendary ones, I mean all of them.

I just use my Fenglope to transport around the base since its charge can be used even when overweight

Yeah now my fully condensed Frostallion and Jetragon are perma-palboxed in favor of my OG team with good passives. Feelsbadman

I understand why they nerfed the HP, but it didn't have to be to the point where they aren't even special anymore. I literally stowed my fully condensed Jetragon into my palbox once I saw its HP.

Okay that would make sense if the meta strategy of recalling my pal every time the boss starts an attack in order to dodge it couldn't be done. Basically the same as having a lot of HP and just tanking the shots. And using a bunch of captured alphas means lower damage output right? There would be a tradeoff.

I'm still confused about the Legendary Alpha Nerfs (Not talking about captured tower bosses)Discussion

I know this has already been discussed over the past few days and yes, I am aware that people are happy with the HP nerfs that the legendary alphas got. However, after scrolling through other posts in this sub or even in other forums, I still am left confused as to WHY it seems so many people are happy with the nerfs or even just indifferent about them. Like, I truly don't understand why people think it was completely justified and needed.

I thought it was already agreed upon that you had two choices: 1. capture a legendary alpha and enjoy the perk of having roughly 2.5-3x the HP during a fight, or 2. breed your own legendary non-alpha with passives that give roughly 2x the damage output. You could choose either high HP or high attack. That seemed pretty balanced to me. Most importantly though, it gave people a choice to not play breeding simulator and ALWAYS aiming for the same 4 passives (musclehead, ferocious, legend and the 20% buff to one damage type).

Is this supposed to be the whole point of the game once you hit level 50? To play breeding simulator and pray to the RNG gods until they finally bestow that perfect 4-passive pal you've been waiting literal days for? I thought the appeal was to explore the world, catch those lucky or alpha pals you found along the way and eventually utilize their strengths to beat the tower bosses. Personally, I loved fighting the legendary alphas 1v1 because it felt similar to a souls-like boss, and the investment of throwing 20-30 legendary spheres to capture just one seemed reasonable. Now the best way to approach the endgame in order to prepare for the final tower boss and the raid bosses is just sit AFK in a base while waiting for RNG to do its thing? Where's the appeal in that? I genuinely don't get it.


This is how I play my vet. I sprint slide through hordes and use the sliding time to reactivate my power sword. Still probably not as good as a strong zealot build, but I enjoy some of the vet perks like suppression immunity way too much.