Professional company will charge you around $2k I’m sure.

I believe Trump was one of the reasons behind Epstein getting Epsteined. But yes, if the courts or financial pressure don’t get him to stfu the next thing will be him going the Joe exotic route followed by the Epsteining.

Yes, but apparently you can pretend to do anything these days.

I thought we were both just assuming things about each other?

What makes you assume such a thing? Criminals deserve to be put away. But when most of congress gets all of their dirt swept under the rug, you root for them getting away with it.

This is the St. Louis Reddit page… you really think anyone cares if someone breaks laws here? 😂

Take the rug out side and run a garden hose over it with a clean broom and to push the saturation away. You will have to leave it outside to air dry

And that’s the exact reason we will be homeschooling our children. The system has failed many students IMO. The lack of care for education now is unreal. I don’t like to blame the teachers for the decline of our school systems, but there seems to be a stagnancy that has trickled all the way down to the students. How do you teach inspiration to kids when the monotony of dealing with idiotic ideologies have to be front in center at schools? Let alone deal with someone else’s children who show no desire to learn? I don’t expect teachers to hold kids accountable for their lack of inhibitions, but how do we expect them to teach all students equally when so many students are on different levels?

Tell your friend to stop drinking soda and cut out sugar in their diet, if you haven’t already.

Lgbtqlmnop+ can’t have biological kids so I guess we will see who wins in the long run 🤭

Same people wanted to force masks and the jab. At the same time spewing my body my choice and are too dumb to see the irony because they want to be free little butterflies playing with their rainbows.

I don’t think the Sens would be interested in a player like kyrou while losing a player like Brady. But I like where your mind is going!

Uh oh, you’re gonna bruise some sensitive feelings with this one.

Would we still be uneducated on the matter if the talking heads were allowed to discuss the reasons for the alleged mishandled documents? I’m not saying the public should know what the documents are,but I believe we have the right to know how and why Biden mishandled them. Our officials should be transparent, you coming to the presidents defense makes it seem like they should be allowed to cover up whatever they like

So you’re view point on men, is the same as the commenter above has on women? Talk about double standards 😂

Edit: And you’re right it’s her body she can do what she wants with it. But living that lifestyle as a women can end up with consequences that men don’t have to deal with, you know the whole pregnancy thing. So surely it is disgusting that the child now has to deal with the repercussions of their promiscuous mother.

Never said she couldn’t live that lifestyle, reread what I said. I said it’s disgusting and it seems deep down you already put a value on her yourself. But good day to you, hopefully you don’t read something that resonates so close to home that sets you off.

Lol weren’t you commenting on someone else’s view of women, so kinda makes you the first in command of the whole morality police thing. We just have touched a nerve with you. I was pointing out the fact that the post was much more disturbing than a misogynistic comment of a gal who is ok running through her company and expects their partner to raise possibly someone else’s child. You all are kooky. 🙃

This post is more disturbing than “a cheap lay”. What’s disgusting is this lifestyle, breeding broken homes to raise a kid without respect for morality.