All the information is on the Zwift home site

🤣 can’t recommend a smart bike because I don’t use it 😆 SB20 great smart bike for the dedicated

I jump my Lauf. Admittedly only a small jump and land both wheels. I guess it depends on who made your bike and your skill.

No short cuts. Ride more. Set the difficulty slider. Do training workouts. 65 rpm is too low. One reason for keeping a higher cadence is that it engages your long distance muscle group. Slow-twitch muscle fibers use oxygen to produce energy, they are more resistant to fatigue. So you can go longer faster. Rather than fast-twitch. They can produce a lot more force and power for a short time, but they get fatigued fast.

Zwift’s new hardware requirement begins June 3rd, and disallows virtual power

Only for Zwift races but about time. Virtual power has never been remotely accurate. Excellent piece from Zwiftinsider on the details here:

What could happen that I’d need much on a couple hundred miles on that trail. Advice is take credit card cash sun cream. Visit the museum. I love the old military road and then there’s farther north Highland 550 gets a bit more tasty. Lock Ness Fort Augusta great towards the end great holiday maker sites plenty of support

But I’d know that the badger way I’d be no more than a short pedal from shops bike shops etc. So I’d go light and enjoy the cycle across Scotland. It’s a beautiful route very easy ideal for gravel

I’d check my Restrap front bag when loaded bumping along won’t be rubbing on my front tyre. I have same bag.

Critique? Measure of your experience. All new bags? Rear light useless as it’s covered by bag and wheel. No spd’s? Tired tyres are the weak point. Have you really gone off road with that fork bottle setup? Fine for cycle path but nothing serious. Overall you bought the gear but no experience.


Everyone ‘should’ more nanny state - self rescue 🛟? 🤣 Ride light, ride fast, ride alone, go far.

Where do you draw the line? Tools? Shelter? Tracker? Food? Etc etc etc

Extra cost extra weight extra bulk how many ways do you need to fix a tubeless and pump up? A pump and a gas can and an inner tube and a glue and patches and I guess the bacon strips. 2 x tyre leaver sets in case you …… I did 4000km last year across Spain France. Had a few punctures, kept rolling sealant did its job and then some air.

Bike zero problems but I maintain my own bike. Torque wrench locktite. I don’t carry in case stuff.

I cycle without worry

Marketing. Solution looking for a problem.

So a classic cornering technique. Angle the bike left or right but keep your body centred by standing on pedals. Watch what happens. The aim is for your centre of gravity and force to press down directly on the edge where you have that extra aggressive tread. A road technique is to drop the outer pedal so the force is moving outwards rather than down where on loose surfaces you want the grip. You can develop the technique and apply the most suitable for the surface. Often it’s a combination of both. Comes with experience.

In short you’re trying to lower CofG and force down in a straight line rather than a force towards the outside of the corner.

Ever wondered why the edge of off road tyres have aggressive tread? Also helps in muddy conditions of course. Trust those side knobs. Tyres without aggressive edges will break away quicker in loose turns. A lot better explanation here at 4. I have a Lauf to 😁

Slow in, fast out. Learn to edge your tyres. Yes always wear gloves 🧤

Take less. And it will be easier. I’m 12kg including bike. Water and resupply readily available along the whole route.

I only take 1 set bike wear. T shirt, flip flops, shorts. What I wear in sleeping bag. Hand wash and wash each evening if I can. Don’t cook. You’re buying food from shops so buy and eat - or just eat out. A salad is a salad.

Heavy frame and bike lock? I carry a very small wire lock for the moment at coffee I need the toilet. Lots of your stuff is just in case. If you’ve serviced your bike properly before you leave you’ll have zero issues. Besides your padding bike shop nearly every day on that route.

Time to look at your approach to risk.

Last year I did Malaga, Gibraltar 🇬🇮 Grenada 🇬🇩 France 🇫🇷 Paris home to UK 🇬🇧 Gravel bike packing off road