joints normally, blunts on like a saturday or special occasion

if its first time taking shrooms, dont do a 3.5, do like 1/1.5g's. if uve done psyches and its just ur first time doing a 3.5, be safe and make sure ur comfortable with ur friends. and get munchies! like grapes or berries or gummies or something.

im mainly anime and only on vol 2 for manga but i like thorkell. i really how hes wild and crazy but not 1 dimensional/ dumb. like hes cstrong and insane but hes smart and knows what he wants which i like.

because would u rather eat raw bacon or carmalized bacon

probably both. or if not autism, probably some coping mechanisms or disorders you developed that debilitates you in some way. what ive found thru my 3 mental health/disorder episodes is that when u have this "there's something wrong with me" feeling, there probably is. i still have to get rediagnosed, but if u feel like ur missing a piece of the puzzle or u have some undiagnosed disabilities or unresolved trauma, go to therapy or talk to a professional about it! ik once i got medicated i stopped feeling "broken" and was able to see my emotions and responses clearer

do u work at pfg? no fucking way ur still shilling for this game๐Ÿ’€

yea but id lowkey feel scared to do it tripping. like if i take a tab and have to go fight the lion id shit my pants๐Ÿ’€

panic rolling lowkey saved me against messmer bc when i timed my dodge way too earlier i was just in tike for the panic roll to be perfect

dont even look at them dude straight up just sprint all the way up to the door and only rool if u think ur about to get hit. u can just run past them

man fuck that shit. just nonstop sprint as soon as u jumo over that little gap by that huge dude and the swarm of guys. literally just sprint up past the lion warrior guy then regain ur stamina and sprint past the wizard guys and open the door then get grace. fuck that part

2gs is a fine starting dose but id try 1g or 1.5g my first time to see how i react to them. and id do them alone, or ina place where ur able to like go ona walk ir have a place to sit and just be alone for a while. like other people said maybe dont do it around ur girlfriend. show her that "fantastic fungi" or the other mushroom doc on netflix and educate her about how safe mushrooms are. like psilocybin therapy and how they actually help get off addiction. but yea u probably wanna be outside and if u want a night trip id take them like an hour/30 minutes before sunset.

if they make all the right moves, i think they can have a solid consistent player base. if things keep going the way they are or dont get better, than no