Conservative Libertarian

Bush was heavily involved in his son’s rise in Texas, and subsequently, national politics.

accelerated being the salient term

Conservative Libertarian

Opinion stated as fact is the seed by which authoritarianism sprouts

It’s a clear plastic film with a thumb pull - definitely easier than traditional cans

If you’re bringing up Japan, you’re now alluding to the benefits of a homogeneous society. Racism takes many forms, your post seemingly being one of them. Gross.

Conservative Libertarian

Between Bush 1 + 2, Trump and Biden having their kids in (un)official White House meetings, and now Obama’s wife being circulated as a potential replacement candidate, it feels like we’re accelerating the normalizing of nepotistic government the Founding Fathers fought against in 1775. Weird times. What’s happening to this country?

New slogan of the Democratic Party “Our Republic stops…with us!”

Poor leadership? Reversing the Peronist rot doesn’t happen overnight.

Nice. I’ve never had the optic come off but I don’t run a vortex anymore because the battery housing flew off during drills.

I always saw “low amplitude” takedowns as a higher percentage chance of control. Throws create space. Space creates opportunity. Feel like you’re not really advocating for the philosophy of bjj here from a control standpoint.

Conservative Libertarian

Coons knows Biden doesn’t run the show so he’s happy to gaslight the public.

Founder of community college wrestling club

Conservative Libertarian

Thanks for your comments. As someone not educated in law, can you go into a bit more detail as to why this shouldn’t be controversial? You’ve highlighted tribalism as being why people are against this, but what is the logical argument that needs to be made for people to understand that this shouldn’t be controversial?

Thanks in advance!

In Mother Russia, you don’t go broke. We go broke you.

You didn’t say anything wrong, necessarily. But it feels like your comment reinforced JB’s opinion of fans and press. The expectation that England is expected to ever make it to Berlin is way off. That they “need to” be playing better is maybe out of sync with reality too. We might want them better than they are, but it’s England. They’ve been varying degrees of shit for a long time. The presser saw JB touch on the media pressure and fan expectation and how it doesn’t align with the historical track record… 66 was a long time ago and Southgate is a pretty bang average manager dealing with above average pressure. He hasn’t ever gotten the most of his players, and - to your point about today’s quality - finding Mainoo and Palmer this season, plus a lucky Toney sub today, was dumb luck on the manager’s part..they didn’t factor into plans before this year and now they’re integral. I’d be willing to bet that if England were 1-0 up, Palmer and Toney wouldn’t have even made it onto the pitch and he’d have gone fully defensive again. Shows how reactive he is and how shit the FA and their staff are.

Yup, that’s what I use. Use it for cheek weld on rifle and handgun grip. They have it in all sorts of colors and patterns (including camo) for those looking for some flair.