I completely agree cheating on your wife while she’s pregnant is the lowest thing one can do.

She said she’s distancing herself from her friends. I’m just saying distancing herself isn’t going to fix the underlying issue that her husband is a creep. Op might be responsible but her husband isn’t taking responsibility. The only reason he apologized is because he got caught. Most likely it not the first time he tried to hook up with someone else and he probably has hooked up with others while married.

I didn’t say it could guarantee a child could be conceived. All I said was it can be reversed and there is a chance a child could be conceived. There is also no guarantee a child could be conceived anyway. Some people struggle with fertility.

How did the subject go from allegations made against Biden to a letter that doesn’t prove of the allegations are true or not? 🤔

All I said was that letter doesn’t prove the allegations are false. Ashley has never said if the allegations she wrote in her diary were false. So are you saying she’s claim she lied in her diary? How is it twisted if you read the diary she wrote her dad assaulted her numerous times.

And how do we know that’s actually Ashley? I mean the media has confused her for not only Naomi but also Hunter’s ex wife numerous times.

Better than listening to a bunch of lies the media spreads that you think are fact despite the fact a simple google search can disprove it.

How is it ignorant if it’s true? Not sure where you are getting the five years number from, but that is false. You can have a vasectomy reserved even after several years after the procedure. Im not saying all can be reversed but most can. I’m also not saying it’s guaranteed a child could be conceived.


Honestly I hate to say it but it’s a waste of time. She’ll never believe you. You’ll be painted as the bad guy and an obsessed ex who can’t let go.

Girl break up with that boy already. You deserve someone who would block that other girl the first time she made an advance at him.

My question is how do you want to work on your marriage when your husband tried to hook up with one of your friends? How do you even trust him?

Also you shouldn’t punish your friends for your husband being a creep. Your husband should be the one who is punished for his behavior

That is true especially since almost all vasectomies can be reversed. Not saying it’s guaranteed a child will be conceived. Just that it is a possibility.

And yet millions of Americans still didn’t vote.

And I’m not sure what your stats have to do with anything. We aren’t talking about the 2018 election or the 2020 election or the 2022 election. We are talking about 2024 where Americans are struggling with high prices. Biden has lost popularity even among his own supporters due to prices and what’s going on between Israel and Palestine.

Is he 100% sure the kid is his? I mean you said he and the mother of this child were into drugs so I highly doubt they know for sure. If I was you I would ask for a paternity test done just to be sure than go from there.

And what does that have do with if the allegations are true or not? 🤔

And where did you hear that she was hanging out with her family last week? Let me guess some left wing news outlet who confused her with Naomi again.

It’s called doing your research and not listening to the media’s continuous lies.

All I’m saying is you shouldn’t be drinking to the point where you black out and/ or do something dumb that you don’t want others to know about. Like I said take this as a learning experience for the future.

Well that’s interesting considering there is no evidence she actually wrote that letter to the judge. She is estranged from the Biden family and has been for years despite the media’s claims she was at Hunter’s trail when it was actually the Beau’s widow Naomi. Plus there are many people who claim she sold it willingly.

There are allegations that Biden sexually assaulted his daughter apparently in her diary. She also claims her father forced her to have showers with him. Apparently she’s trying to get a book published about it but is running into problems due to the Biden administration.

First of all you at 18 should not be getting drunk at all. Second of all instead of instead of focusing on revenge take this as a learning experience. Third of all you and your gf need to do some growing up.

OOP’s mother sounds like a terrible person. I mean sleeping with your daughter’s bf is low than to make an excuse that the bf reminded her of the daughter’s father is just sickening. It’s hilarious how she tries to act like a victim. Hope she’s getting hell from her family and friends.

Yes more than half. You have people on the right and the left and in the middle saying Biden turned this country into a third world country. Honestly the ones praising Biden are the rich and elite.

Why are you assuming that it’s just conservatives that will say he’s done an awful job? Anyone with a brain can figure out things are bad in this country and they have gotten worse.

I think it’s a possibility he fathered Catherine, but I do have my doubts as she and none of her descendants had the problems the king’s known children had.

I completely agree I just felt the writers got lazy and were running out of ideas in the later seasons especially in regard to villains. The heretics and sirens had a lot of potential but was sadly wasted.

Yes you did overreact. He was not being arrogant. He also wasn’t hating on them he just stated his opinion on the matter if you can’t respect his opinion then maybe you two shouldn’t be in a relationship. I also recommend you do some growing up before you enter a new relationship.

Honestly I’m not a fan of seasons 7 and 8. Don’t get me wrong there are some good parts in those seasons, but I think the earlier seasons were much better.

Honestly I’d get a lawyer involved and go to the local news to share your story.

You do realize there are people on both sides that act that way?