God looked down on them and said “nay ivan. Today you go bang and lo, bang did go bang.

Those are the idiots.

I’m talking about hinkle, Wall Street silver, and that sort.

They aren’t stupid they know what they are doing, and are happy to do it for the money. - those, in my option are as bad as the ones doing it.

The range increases massively by being able to launch it from 40000ft at Mach 1.6, instead of at sea level at 20kts.

SM-6 already has 150miles range at sea level. I’m not smart enough to do the maths to work out its theoretical range. But i wouldn’t be surprised if it was over 250 /300 miles

Do you even go on twitter recently?

It’s an actual shithole. Full of literal russian propaganda with useful idiots and paid traitors spreading it.

My job has broken me. Under 3hrs is a short drive to me. Only starts to get long when you are over 5ish hours

I’ve heard swapping one addition for another can work, have you tried herion to wean yourself off the ice cream?

£75 a day would get me a ok-ish coke habit. Would get me a good amount of weed tho 🤔

We have nukes too 🤨

Furthermore. Even if we didn’t. I don’t want to live in a world where we allow this to happen. We grandstand and take the high ground .but when it actually matters- we fold, “because nukes” smh😒

No it isn’t, in the past we have been happy to change the rules as needed.

By tying our hands and our allies hands behind their back, we aren’t being honorable - we are costing ourselves unnecessary lives. Worse - we aren’t paying that price - we are expecting Ukraine to.

No, Donbas is part of Ukraine.

It is occupied by russia. 2014 was instigated by russia, strelkov himself said that it would have fizzled out like Odesa and Kharkiv had his units not crossed to border.

those of us who care that russian money is financing the russian touch in UK politics.

He may not have made anything since 2022, that he owned it post ( well - I’ll be generous) 2014. Tells me all I need to know

Because it is occupied.

Ichkeria is a country occupied by russia.

Eh, unexplained explosions at ammo depots makes it a little warmer than cold.

And nk’s decision today, to send troops to Ukraine may change that further yet.

Either you do it yourself, in your own time. Or you are forced to when events force your hand.

We saw this with the 22 energy crisis.

I many ways, whilst in the short term it would be painful, building up our own industry again would be a long term positive.

Toilets are generally very clean too - during the day, less so at night.

People talk down on them, but their food is generally decent. Not fantastic, but for the price it’s good. Their kitchens are some of the cleanest I’ve ever seen too.

He would probably fuck it up and not know how to operate the smoke machine 🤷‍♂️

I love screwfix and the free biscuits, but I wish you guys would have real milk for the coffee , the UHT just isn’t right 😅

Your grandad do deliveroo on the weekend too?

Ayo Gurkhali!

And they have actual butchers on their meat counters, who can recommend and prepare specific cuts for you.

Sure, it’s not as traceable as a farm shop, but I’m pretty sure they run their own farms too. So less risk of undeclared horse ending up I. Your mince…