Honestly with how much a free for all it is, if she had carpets on the floors or pillows on the couches, they would be trashed in a month. The kids don’t eat nicely, they come in the house with dirt and manure on them. It’s way easier to clean up a stark living space like that. Plus Daniel can just push a broom around nightly like a janitor in a gym! 😆

I agree. They were having fun with their cousin.

Ive been homeschooling my kids for 6 years and AT LEAST once a month I question if it would just be easier to send them to public school. Especially now that they are all school aged. So yeah, we get discouraged and think about changing, it’s very normal.

I just went back and watched the video and this is up there as one of the more stupid and dangerous things I’ve seen them do. Trying to milk a kicking cow isn’t something children should be doing, it’s incredibly dangerous and you are setting up the cow for infection/mastitis since they can’t milk her out fully or even at all. Honestly I’m shocked the kids are even willing to try, my kids would be terrified and say no way, I’m not doing this, because they know how dangerous it is. Plus they know we, as their parents will step in and help them. Obviously these kids know they are on their own and no one is coming to help them.

Because that would make actual sense.

This is the impression I got as well.

Yeah I had to stop following after they made it seem like anyone can have the land and farm like they do. It doesn’t make sense and it’s really disingenuous. Plus I would think land in Nova Scotia would be even more expensive since there is only so much on the island?

Nope, she has zero identity outside of caring for her family.

Right?! Why can’t it be a simple, we are a dairy free household because my son has allergies? Instead we get a dissertation on the history of dairying and milk consumption. 😳

A child around age 8 that isn’t reading, will start to notice if their peers are reading and they aren’t. Then they get the message something is wrong with them or they are “stupid”. They may even be teased. Which leads to even more reluctance to learn to read because now they have a negative self worth around reading and learning.
BUT since her children don’t appear to be in social settings with peers and only take online classes, I guess that doesn’t apply. 🙄. They just get to live in her little bubble, but it will catch up to them eventually 😬

Honestly I find her sad. She doesn’t seem to have any real life friends, doesn’t go outside of the house unless it’s with her kids, (taking them to sports or appointments). I wonder if she even talks to another adult besides Adam in a weekly basis??

She doesn’t want them swimming in a pool because she has said the chlorine has caused health issues with either herself or her oldest son, maybe both? And I know she doesn’t allow sleepovers that aren’t with family.

Not to mention the example it sets for her daughters.

My first thought was also fake! Could she have used a previous baby’s hospital pic? It all just seems too suspicious.

I don’t know why they called it “dry canning”. What they are doing is raw packing. You don’t add water when canning chunks of meat because the meat will release its juices as it cooks in the pressure canner. And they did pressure can it, which is the correct method for all low acid foods.