Thank you for posting an accurate, factual reply. I have contacted Nebraska Family Alliance, who is distributing the Protect Women and Children petition, to complain about this.

I happen to be circulating a prolife petition as a *volunteer.* If a paid person is circulating the petition and lying about its subject, that is messed up.

How about asking a native speaker to translate your website, then use a plugin to switch to the user's preferred language? I am the webmaster of a religious site, and I wouldn't trust Google to translate correctly in any case. If your audience speaks a different language, the good news is that you can expand your readership. I wouldn't miss the opportunity!

Just a few ideas off the top of my head…1) ask her to show you any handouts or pamphlets they give out, use those to ask specific questions. 2) Find one of those quizzes they give to people trying to become U.S. citizens, and use that as a springboard for discussion.

Speaking as a non IT person, putting 30 computers on that network must have been a nightmare!

I wish providers would give my DH enough extra TIME to comply with whatever request they are making of him. It stresses him out to be rushed. First he has to understand what you want him to do, and then he has to move his stiff hands to open his wallet, write with a pen etc. Feeling flustered, he couldn’t find his health insurance card in his wallet and thought he had lost it. Throughout his life he had always been meticulous in how he organized things, and this was very embarrassing for him.

Besides playing music and old videos which others have suggested, we sent digital copies of old photos to one of those on-line photo book places. You can design the book yourself and add names, events, and places to the book. My mother loved paging through the book over and over. The cost is reasonable, too.

Not only NTA, but you are my hero for standing up for your family. Seeing everyone else in the family walk out on him would be incredibly validating for me.

Having read through the 2 dozen comments so far, my suggestion to you is to document the incidents with cell phone video or security cam video (yes, I know, invasion of privacy.) Document everything, listing every time and date you've called the kids, the care facility, protective services, and the police. Be prepared to file complaints with the police. Contact local government officials, such as licensing boards, if you are not getting any traction.

If you launder the leg parts with the shorts part after every use, they may fade more evenly, since it's the washing that contributes a lot to wear.

Came here to say this. There are all sorts of reasons people choose to wear masks: they have cancer, and their treatment compromises the immune system, they may have had a transplant, etc.

As the parent of two children who have actual diagnoses of autism, this upsets me. People with autism may or may not have intellectual disabilities. They may or may not have high intelligence. Autism is a sensory processing disorder.

Thanks for including Bellevue. It would be nice if it had a bus route down 25th Street from Cornhusker to Fairview…. My progressive prescription was a fraction of what a storefront would have charged. But you still need a prescription from your eye doctor.

Airvoice Customer nonservice

I'm pulling my hair out… We normally get billed around the 16th of each month with autopay but *this* month, our service just stops working. I try calling their customer service with another phone, and the call keeps getting dropped after 15 minutes! My husband works from home and this is NOT acceptable!

Trying to help a family member, this url returns a "Not found" error.

Try posting this in r/legaladvice to see if you have any recourse. Be sure to indicate what state you are in.