I just visualized him doing that and it fits so well 🤣

In a 2v2 game, my teammates town got completely wiped out. So, I made the decision to go all in on that dudes town rather than attacking my opponent like I was preparing to do.

He rage quit. Looking at a the map afterwards, we could have easily been defeated had he or his teammate attacked my town.

Not that wild of a strategy I guess, but damn was it satisfying.

Is all I play, have for more than 20 years

True, but with proper warmup, technique, gear and planning…you really can mitigate joint injuries greatly.

I have been running 20-30 miles a week for over a decade, sometimes much more, with no issues thus far.

Edit: over 2 decades

Your first paragraph confuses me, and I don’t care enough to ask for clarification.

Bottom line: increased dosage/frequency = faster tolerance.

I agree, but what is an example of a leading theory? Other than launch angle, how do we explain that we are getting the ball harder than anyone in MLB yet almost last in every other offensive category?

Verified PJ

Didn’t take it as a slight whatsoever, just giving a response that’s all.
I understand why you would ask.

Best of luck to ya’ll, everything will be fine.

Verified PJ

I don’t know if filling the void is the best way to put it. I gave it everything I had at the time, with everyone ounce of my soul so that I would never have any regrets.

I don’t have a void, I have fond memories of saving lives and will always enjoy the brotherhood that comes with being a PJ.

What you call a “cheap answer”, is in fact the truth.

If you have what it takes to be a PJ, if you have truly been indoctrinated, then you will be successful in whatever you choose to do afterwards.

So, yeah we do what we want…because we can.


I dunno about that man, maybe speaks to your character that you think that.

Am I to assume that everyone who answered doesn’t drink or smoke?

Slept for the rest of the weekend, that is hilarious.

My wife thinks 5 should be the max for my labradoodle because when I’ve taken her 7-8 she is a zombie for the rest of the day, just lays around.

I know she could do more though, but I’m fine with capping it if it’s that big of a deal to her. I’ll run 4-5 alone, then swing by and pick her up another 4-5