I 32M am just getting into investing

Maybe start from growth ETFs then?

What are those "treating like shit" examples?

I typically do not bother them with returns of stuff ordered half a year ago etc. I just order stuff, it arrives quickly exactly when it is estimated to arrive. They send orders so flawlessly that I have 0 reasons to reach out to them and get treated like shit ...

Neither of the options - healthy and delicious food.

Yes. You may think that our civilization will explore planets and stop global warming etc, but people invent new drugs, sex toys and VR/AR group sex parties.

We are fucking animals.

keep learning

Or buy index

And sometimes way faster than should :4271:

Selling puts is easy when the market goes up and occasional rare dips can be considered "buying with discount and getting premium for that". When the market goes down either premiums are miserable (very low delta) or puts quickly go ITM and you get some bags to hold while price keeps going down.

I guess it works when there is tons of cash to keep DCA-ing for premium, but if there is tons of unused cash - it means not too much easy gains before the crash.

Good luck. Do not cry too much when music stops and bears crawl out of their gay bars.

How the fuck are you going to live off 100k without job? :4271:

Agree about Java. The only benefit is it being "cross-platform" while any Java app I take is not supported on some of mainstream platforms (windows, Linux, macos).

C is the performance king.

C++ might reduce the amount of code, with some insignificant performance drop.

If safety is the goal (which is reasonable when it comes to handling money) could consider rust.

I still hope that it is me missing some point rather than everybody just using Java by default only because of the larger community and code based...

I can think of a call as an insurance from missing out on shares price. Like I use my buying power elsewhere, do not have enough or buy 100 shares, but I may have some thesis that stock might go up, so I use much less buying power (which I might have available) to secure my chance of gains in case the stock moons.

What? You mean no 10T market cap before Thanksgiving?

SELL! :27421:

Not a financial advice :4276:

Just buy as much VOO as you can afford on a monthly basis or more frequently if you are a chad.

You have just one day outside the army service. Your trades will go really bad because you can't focus and adjust/close in time. Even those who are really focusing on trading most of the time underperform buying and holding VOO. Buy and hold VOO, use your days off to see friends/family, drink beer and fuck chicks (or guys when you are bearish).

Research r/investing , r/fire and similar on some ideas to use other fund(s) instead of VOO.

What is the opportunity for humanoid robot?

That can't be done by much cheaper specialized robot

Any humanoid robots will not do anything useful in the near term. Can they be an expensive toy to walk around mansion of some rich regard and talk some shit? Yes, they can. Can they be really useful in the industry? No. Robots specialized for some exact processes will still be way cheaper and way better at their job. Making robots look and act like humans is very hard, and expensive and pointless: you basically spend tons of money to make it walk on two legs and do stuff with human-like hands, it is still way worse than human at doing so.