But this flashback is part of your life, meaning you will eventually have a flashback of having this flashback. You’re stuck in a loop of recalling your life forever.

Wait, I’ve been playing this game since beta and didn’t know this tech! Does this always work when you are close to an obstacle in front of you?

Looks like you died right after you shoot. Likely ping then. You shot him in the body, he shot you in the head. Then it’s a race which computer can get their perspective to ubis servers first. The winner of that race gets the kill.

Ah yes. Punishing consensual acts of affection. This surely won’t lead to emotional scarring, abusive relationships, and cutting contact with dad . 🙄

...or you can play Jackal which does both Lions and Dokkis job simultaneously 8D

Bro how miserable are you? Grown ass men have been dressing up for comedy since long ago. We do it cause it makes people laugh and feel good. “Making faces at your phone alone” is only strange if you don’t understand the concept of video, editing and the internet.

Medical physicist here. We do this to demonstrate the strength of the magnetic field to nurses at our hospital. I’m not 100% sure, but I think the reasoning behind using a pair of scissors is to give a sense of danger.

Also, no one is really in danger since the field will only pull the scissors towards the isocenter of the machine.

The trick is to nerf BOTH healing and incoming damage by a very substantial amount. Then tune incoming damage to be slightly higher than you can manage with good rotation. This way it becomes a race against healers doing efficient rotational healing to counter the damage over time or the raid simply bleeds out. Cooldowns can be used to catch up when falling behind but will still not top everyone from 10% health.

This moves healing from just keeping people topped all the time with 30-40% over healing and people dropping from full to 10% in one global. It increases healer skill expression and makes healer logs actually mean something. Also way more fun as a healer.

You can also achieve the same thing by increasing current health pools by 2-3X and buffing incoming damage a bit.

Bro why’d you have to get so personal. Making chocolate pudding at 4 am is my permanent state of life

Sim your character for a single target dummy fight with no buffs for 2 min. Then go do your rotation on a dummy for 2 min and compare. Work on your rotation until you are within 5-10% of the simmed dmg.

Step two is to learn trash and boss abilities to the point that you can predict anything that could hinder your rotation before it happens. This is done through a combination of research online and experience by playing the game.

Probably the most important thing to get good at any game is to engage your brain actively for learning when you play. You can play any game for 10k hours but if your brain is afk and you play by heart you won’t improve beyond a certain point.

Other obvious thing is avoiding blaming others. That mindset will protect your ego at the cost of getting good at the game. You decide which is more important.

1 drink = 1 full actual can / glass of alcohol? Bro you'd be dead irl in 3 games xd

You must be doing something to attract that many reports. It may not be that you are actively trying to grief but I would wager it's something to do with your gameplay or the way you talk to your team. There are many people, especially online, who think they are speaking to others in a supportive way but they come across as toxic or annoying. Backseat gaming is also illegal if you want to be on the good side of people. Only provide information that your team mates can use, don't ever tell them or suggest what they should do.

You said you play support. Do you play very slow? Always last person alive etc? That will get people annoyed as well. I just don't think all those reports are random. Is this PC or console btw? I think console has a younger population so people are more likely to report there.

It’s a common misconception that shampoo is “supposed” to lather. A good quality shampoo will only lather when the hair is already clean. The main active ingredient in shampoo is surfactants which binds water and oil together so that the oil can be rinsed out. Bubbles, or lather, form when there are no oils for the surfactants to bind to. They will then reduce the surface tension of the water and trap small amounts of air in pockets causing the lathering effect.

In fact, cheap shampoos usually have products in them that artificially lather regardless of the oil content in your hair. This lathering doesn’t actually help make your hair cleaner, it’s just added because people perceive lathering as cleaning. It’s all fake.

Ah, another step of the Jailers master plan!

In this case I’m not interested in how people choose to deal with hate comments. I’m interested in why someone writes the hate comment in the first place, in this case you.

Based on the latter part of your comment I’m guessing you’ve been taught to learn from abuse. Like how a drill sergeant abuses people to increase their stress tolerance. I don’t think that’s going to work well as a strategy to help people on forums. It’s also a pretty hit or miss way to teach someone. Probably a good chance they will just be demotivated instead.

I find comments like this fascinating. What is it supposed to achieve? All I can see it doing is make people feel bad about themselves or make people upset about the fact that the comment makes others feel bad about themselves. Yet you took time out of your life to write and post this comment. Did you feel good when you posted it, like some kind of schadenfreude? Or what was the motivation?

The call from the judges is correct. Their job is to make sure rules are followed, not change or add rules mid-competition. Whether the rule should be changed is a different story. I personally think it’s fair to respect the competitors who are still in the race and it’s not asking much of the competitors to just stay put in their lane after finishing. The fact that he risked the title after finishing first is mind boggling to me.

My exact experience as well. I love the AMR vs bots, it's super versatile with the one exception that it takes three frontal shots to kill a strider while the Autocannon and Railgun one shots them.

After 40 hours of playing this game I've come to the realization that medium sized enemies are really the biggest threats as the primary weapons are poor at dealing with them and they show up in too great numbers to deal with them using call downs. You are essentially stuck dealing with medium sized enemies using support weapons which pigeonholes you into Railgun/Autocannon.

Yeah it seems that the auto cannon fits two clips at a time so once you've used half your ammo you are safe to reload without wasting ammo. The reload animation slows down a lot if you used all bullets and need to load two clips instead of one. However, if you do get the slow two-clip reload animation you can cancel it as soon as the first clip has been loaded and be able to fire those shots.

This is a great idea. Right now someone has to sacrifice their back slot to be someone’s reload bitch and you don’t even get to do the fun part of shooting enemies. Basically sacrificing both your character strength and fun to enable the interaction. I feel like it also makes more sense to reload from the backpack of another person. Reaching around your own back to grab a rocket is strange.

You might wanna think about moving your arms a little when you walk.. 🚶


Aggressive: Heroes that open with fast heavies or armored heavies (eg Hitokiri and Centurion) OR heroes with enhanced lights from neutral (eg Warmonger and Jormungandr).

Opportunistic: Characters with full block counters (eg Aramusha and Conqueror) OR characters with special dodge counters (eg Nobushi and Orochi).