Wait what

Edit: why was I recommended this subreddit.

Edit: I drink this everyday

Edit: oh no

Logic does not win an argument with someone who has already decided to ignore logic.

I have a few hundred bingo cards with just this one question stamped. That has to count for something.

Good thing they were successful. Otherwise their families might disappear or their social credit score might take a hit.

Well the loudest 1% of 1% of Destiny gamers specifically on Reddit really wanted a horde mode and some new raid thing so I'd say they got what they wanted.

I just wanted the weapons back that were taken away because Bungie didn't know how to balance their game. But what's the point if they are sunsetting sunsetting then? Getting the one raid locked grenade launcher and raid locked hand cannon? Cool. That's more than I had before. Will I use it? Well no.


We are such a stupid species sometimes.

Looks the same as he always has honestly , and I would know, because, Im very good at these things. Some might say the best.


Hard to be chill when you been burned so many times by a predatory system of renting and landlords who's goal in life is to fuck you into debt that literally ruins your life and leaves you homeless.

Wish I would have gotten lucky and didn't have that happen, but hey, guess I'm, "alive"

checks for NSFW tag

keeps reading

double checks for NSFW tag

They won't approve. They're going to find it. They're going to use it as an excuse to charge after the fact and not give you the deposit back. They may even remove the wall due to damages and attempt a lawsuit. That's how it works here.


Maintenance will come in the day after you leave. They will do a full sweep of the interior to ensure that there's anything that they can charge you for as far as damages is concerned. They will find this. Even though it's not damage, They will charge you for not leaving the apartment in the same condition that you came into it. They will then destroy the entire wall, charge you for the damages, put in an entirely new wall, and if you make any complaints whatsoever, they will look you in the eye and say "fuck you take me to court bitch that's right, you're not going to do that at all." Do you want to know why?? Because it doesn't matter how good your intentions are, If you do not adhere to the contract which you signed when moving into the apartment complex, you are at the mercy of their decisions. Somewhere in the fine print they will find a way to turn this against you because that's how it works here. It's happened to me before. I did anything and everything I could in my power to ensure that it did not happen again. And it happened again. And then it happened again. I accidentally left a shaving razor underneath the bathroom cabinet. They replaced the entire cabinet because it was a biohazard now. Now I'm terrified to make even the slightest mistake. I don't do anything nice like "leave this chair for whoever wants it" or anything like this for anyone anymore because every time I do I get punished for it. So no.