I don’t use a trainer but I’ve been in the gym regularly for 27 years. I agree biking isn’t the best exercise tho

I didn’t really have a choice since my symptoms were so bad. I demanded HRT just to cope- and I’m glad I did

I’ve been giving the nicer stuff away to people I know irl - and the stuff I never liked in donation bins. I’ve given away so many workout clothes - by far my most often purchases. I’m glad people want my old stuff makes me feel good :)

I do regularly donate clothing but cannot part with the pieces that were expensive- and no I do NOT have the time, patience or desire to try to sell them lol

It’s probably not going to be that easy. Be prepared for pushback. If you want HRT you may have to demand it- of your gynocologist

Yeah this is all normal stuff associated with aging. The point of taking notes is so you dont have to memorize what’s in them so I don’t understand your concern there

Re keys and the like, I’ve started doing my Future self favors by putting things where future me will look for them. I wouldn’t dare lie to myself that I will “remember” that I put them somewhere else. They go next to the door. My work badge goes in the laptop bag. My inhaler, lock and earbuds go in my purse so I have them at the gym.

And so on

I’m still in great shape- tho heavier for sure- but I’m More about comfort these days. I cannot stand scratchy fabrics or constricting garments

I have a closet full of beautiful clothes that I hardly wear due to comfort

Probably doing too much and using too many products

Use a cleansing balm, not a sudsy soap, oil based moisturizer instead of water based. Wash only once per day. Sleep next to a humidifier. Take vitamins. Drink water. Get rest

Oh ok yeah I think that’s a new term. Alcoholics get those big bellies and skinny legs and arms

Not sure what alcorexua but sounds like she is an alcoholic so definitely has belly fat. Probably hides it well

Spoiler alert: The new chapter is manfree forever- and it’s the best chapter

I bet your mom did get one- perhaps just not as noticeable

You might think I didn’t get one because I’m still thin ish- but I’m still 15 lbs heavier than before with most of it being in my Midsection

Otherwise I don’t know of a single woman alive who didn’t gain belly fat during meno. Not even one

It’s a good life to just stay single and not have to deal with any of this nonsense

Remember she works for you, not the other way around. She doesn’t need to be sympathetic- she just needs to do her job and help you or you fire her

I mean that’s just life at this age. We all have this issue. I keep gummy Melatonins next to the bed and chew one up when I wake up In the middle of the night. Over the counter medications are very effective