Honestly, just throw Godzilla in any of the Hoyoverse games and have key characters have skins empowered by Godzilla or other Kaiju. Gotta make more money 💰

"I will not be the weak link!"-Ramses

However what makes him work is his adoptive brother Moses. They're kind of a package deal as one can't work without the other. If I had to pick anyone else. It would have to be Hiccup.

You're a Rider of true culture 😎

Hayato Ichimonji from Shin Kamen Rider

Spidops. I know he's not great, but he was my first shiny in the game and that red is amazing!

If we can use the new cards for the D-Ark then giving my Sunarizamon a way to use Alliance and combo it with a high DP Digimon xD

Oh hell yeah 😎 The high life here I come

Megalon, for he introduced me to the world of Kaiju movies.

Here's hoping. Giving each game their own box set. The first world game dedicated to improving the Machinedramon/Analog Man deck. Another set for World 2 with a new Kimeramon to have more support for a Millenniummon deck on top of NeoCrimson. We will have to wait and see what Bandai does with future releases

I really hope the TCG introduces the rest of the Chaos Generals cuz I would play Neo Crimson in a heartbeat if it plays like Apocolymon, but not as broken so you can have 4 copies

If I had to pick from all of the Kaiju, I might go with Megalon. He introduced me to monster movies in general. Plus I love his goofy design and was fun to play in the fighting games.

Excuse me, I asked for Ceresmon. 1 star for this establishment xD Out of this line up I'll go with LovelyAngewomon

I completely agree with almost everything with the exception of the rookie. I personally prefer Sunarizamon into Flarelizamon, or Darklizamon. However you do you at the end of the day

Congratulations, you have been selected to live in the world called Vernidom. Your race are basically Saint Bernards, mixed with Waddle Dee's from Kirby franchise. It used to be a depressive planet after their economic crash that every citizen is bankrupt. You lost your wife/husband (I don't judge. The twins could be adopted. Entirely your choice. I just wanted to be inclusive) to a progressive disease and without an influx of medication and people to make it, she simply couldn't handle it. Then suddenly your neighbor entered a new exchange program with one of the most powerful empires to ever exist in the universe called The Einerjar, or Ainz Empire.

Your neighbors exchanged one of their kids with the species from the empire. To your utter shock it was the adopted princess of the empire who was raised by the Emperor himself, Wöthor Æskeson. She is a blue skin dragon girl who is way into learning new cultures. She is pumped to do this exchange program as she studied and mastered all of the dialects and languages of your world. She has such an intricate knowledge of your own home world than most people of your kind. She then runs as supreme chancellor and restarts your entire economy and gives everyone jobs. Rebuilding infrastructure, while still preserving your history and everything that makes your people so unique. The exchange program ended and she left your world.

Fear not citizen! She left in her stead a homeless man who she likes his ideas. You thought to yourself, "Oh here we go again...." But turns out this homeless man is actually the best man for the job. He has a glorious beard and such a jolly nature. Your leader is basically Santa Claus and even ran a business to distribute medicine across the planet, as well to other planets. This opens up trade and your world is now a central hub of imports and exports. You wish you had that medicine way early on, but your twins have a secured future and you work Saint Bernard Santa Claus. Saving other families from the same fate. Congratulations citizen of Vernidom. You basically helped start Christmas in the universe, but with medicine. Completely free. 🫡

I do see some of the aspects fitting in but only because of the skull motif and human face. However, I'm inclined to side with you that I'm not entirely feeling it either.

Cuz he's Cool xD Anyone who commands Omnimon X and Gallantmon X is really cool 😎 Anyway, if this is actually Cool Boy, then we might've seen Rika from season 3 making a cameo in chapter 0 (or was it in 1?). She could have some lines then

Wait, Cool Boy!? As in the Manga about the X-antibody!? Why is he doing in the card game manga?

It takes so much courage to get out of bed. Knowing so many bad things can happen and you roll the dice on what will happen. I can't imagine how terrifying it was to finally let yourself open and reveal who you are in a conservative town. I'm proud of you. One of my best friends also transitioned a while back and she is living her best life. I couldn't be happier for her. You definitely deserve the crest of courage. Probably all of the crests.

If we're using the canon crests, I would have the crest of Friendship. I often act as the therapist of my friend group. It would activate when one of my friends went through such a terrible funk (I can't say what they went through for privacy sake, but it was pretty bad). I sat next to them. Letting them to talk about it as I listen intently to them pouring their heart out. I found a way to cheer them up as they finally let it all out.

That is insane to me it persisted that long. I forgot how unavailable a lot of info was with the Internet not being as worldwide as it is now. How difficult it all was to verify anything is real or fake.