A goats head, so the cross ends upside down on its forehead. You are welcome.

Wonder how long it will take Disney to take all of these down.

The body and face are fine. it must be your personality.

Right? Who the Fuck hated Ruby?

It's a good base. Definitely feels unpolished. Like things you would assume are in the game, are not. I am sure it will get better. I would wait for DLC.

For context, I work in education and have a certain standard for appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Your opinion is just as valid.


Report them or send me their social through DM. I will report them for you. I know a guy ;)

I never said anything about it, BECAUSE I didn't want Trump to win. Also, I am sure I would be fired or overworked. However, I feel it is a valid opinion to disqualify someone as a candidate. MAGA went insane with the implications. Never thought she should be locked up for it. I am just saying that, according to my ethics and integrity, and familiar with the SAME system, that was a bad move. In order to get away with that, you need to do a lot. Unless my state is just better at handling record keeping.

What Trump did with documents and most issues is not even remotely comparable to Hilarys mistake.

Malice vs malice in my opinion.

My heart goes out to you. Please don't confuse my hatred of the DNC for blindness to what's on the line. Is a tough spot for all.

The best feature a predator has is to be liked. Is he? Idk. Did he do predator behavior? Yes. Was it innocent? No, he is an adult. Was it sexual? Idk, but an adult shouldn't slide into a minor' DMs. Even if he was helping them build a PC, the sensible thing is to ask for parents' permission to engage with their children. There are rules of engagement when it comes to kids that are not laws. However, they are strongly enforced.

He failed to demonstrate character that is worthy of admiration. The most important part is that he is an enterteiner, a child enterteiner with an adolescent base. For the benefit of the doubt, people with access to minors need to be escrutinized to a higher degree. In the same way, I can't confirm he is a predator to you. You can't confirm he hasn't done it with other minors. A lot will be left unanswered, and in front of doubt, I would rather be safe than sorry. Out of respect for his wife and daughter, I can not contribute to his character's success. I would hate myself too much if something else happens in the future. It is not his first stupid mistake.

In all fairness user seems to be a kid. Age of consent is of no consequence to children. They don't understand grooming, to them is just compliments. Sadly, that's why it works.

I didn't like Biden before the debate. Imagine how I feel now. This situation was caused by the DNC, and now you are blaming dissapointed voters. How many times do I need to vote not Trump before Dems provide a candidate I can support? Naive is too think that any of this is OK.

I cared. As a public servant I am given strict rules and training. I once got into trouble for downloading Teams on my personal phone. IT was on my ass on a Saturday. It is grounds for termination. If the rules don't apply to her, why should they apply to me?

I never get to say how much that pissed me off because I always get accused of supporting Trump. Voters have a pletora of issue with any one candidate. Calling them out is our duty. Party people will try to silence you into an alternate reality in which every issue their candidate has is a non issue. What about my 500+ coworkers that have their emails read and get questioned by legislators completly out of context? Are we not allowed to be pissed the f off?

For context, my administration is 8 to 1 Democrat. Two party system sucks.

Also, it wanst a personal computer, it was a private server. Key difference.

More like thanks DNC. It was a fact that people hated her. They did this to themselves. Is not the voters fault.

Yes, Trump is bad. I don't have to vote for him either. You want my vote, make another party. Your logic alianates possible allies. You'll never defeat Trump that way. It is not Biden or the hiway.

Apologies, I thought perhaps you were not familiar. I get you now.

I agree. That was a strong recovery. Not strong enough to swade me and I bet there are a lot of me out there. This election is about getting people like me to the voting booth. Dems and Rep will vote, the election hangs on people who dislike both.

All that being said, I think Biden is the best candidate, his performance was a major red flag.

And there I saw it, the same POI, but this was my 100th time. I am a true explorer.

Mumble through policy*

The fact checking CNN promised