
He'll start drinking when Hamilton smokes his ass with Ferrari.

Edit: Amazing how many snowflakes are in a circle jerk subreddit.

4yo diagnosed with adha? 🤦🏻‍♂️

Carefully check the tire and rim for something sharp.

I don’t think you know how this country works.

Put a proper drop bar back on this.


rocketpoweredmohawk has a great take down of Stroll over this.

I've watched serveral kids do this. The main mistake they make is not getting setup correctly for backing in or parallel parking. Drive the car to where you want to start. If you botch it pull out and start again.

One pro tip my kid came up with is to show up early to the testing. Practice before the instructor shows up with the with the previous testee.

High quality lock with hardened chain. Make it not worth the effort.

It’s depends. As a former bike mechanic a lot of people bungle the QR. Anyone that knows how to put it on nice and tight will be fine with it.

I have a stitch pick on my dresser for he tags in all my clothing.

OG 'Rising' Gang

Just rich asshole things. We always knew he was a POS.

The mass import part is hard because you need to provide the meta data for the web service. Unless you can data scrape from the PDF perfectly it’s not going to work.

There's a document web service for that. Don’t ask me how it works.

Party Saturday night. Come back for your car Sunday.

My neighbor ruined two bikes forgetting. He stated putting something in the way that he'd have to move when he got home.

It can be. The one size fit all helmets are oversized and use straps to make it fit. They tend to be cheaper. If that actually fits you, great. The sized helmets cost more but might fit better.