Oh you said you want a new one before the baby comes. What you got now is the better option as long as it is safe and can hold a car seat

Not sure what equities your in or the annual return rate you've been getting but I'm gonna venture to say it's not 21% (which is what you said one of your cc was charging you). I'm sure you can assign some value to piece of mind being debt free. Only other way I see you getting there immediately is by cash put refi on the house but your at 3% on the mortgage and already struggling with monthly expenses so I dont recommend that

Seems pretty straight forward if your goal is to just clear the debt excluding mortgage. liquidate all stocks (assuming this is a brokerage account) and clear all the debt. Sell the bike and keep that 7k as an emergency fund.

Do NOT get a new car. Keep the paid off one.

No need to declare bankruptcy here, keep your good credit. It will be good to have in a tight spot if needed. Congrats on the baby!

One follow up, curious how you are interpreting 'teach' to mean exclusively being a pastor if women can still 'teach' about Jesus and lead others to Christ?

Ah probably like this. Good on you buddy. Follow your heart I suppose.

Fair. Were you quiet when you did so or use words? That's the other part of the Timothy reference

Tough questions friend, can't pretend to know. Got the loud during service edification from bibleref.com it's spelled out a whole lot more clearly there with additional examples of women teaching (Priscilla and Phoebe references). I'd check that out.

All I know is by blocking women from being pastors the Lord would basically be saying women cant help bring others too Christ or spread the gospel. Which we know is not what he taught or said. He specifically instructed the opposite; all members of the body should go lead others to Christ. You cant reconsile those two. The Timothy reference in my opinion is just misinterpreted since the other two cant be reconciled.

Ah that's the same one he pulled up too. Ok wanted to make sure there wasnt another. This (in my understanding) does not clearly state they should not be pastors. It has to be viewed in full context and just says that women shouldn't be excessively loud during a church gathering and behavior in a church service should reflect godly peace.

Women can absolutley be pastors. It's basically what Jesus told the whole body of Christ (women included) to do. Spread the gospel.

Scripture however, is very clear on the matter.

Could you point me to what your referencing here by chance? I was actually arguing this exact topic w my neighbor last week and when I told him to pull up tr he scripture he seemed to have trouble referencing one that made any sense, So im super curious which one you talking about.

I drive a 2005 Camry with 127k miles on it. Bought it 8 years ago with 62k miles. Paid $7800 for it back then. Barely have to do anything to it besides oil changes and brakes, rotate and belts. Know that's not the used car market post covid but my point is to try and find a low maintenance car that you can buy w cash or pay off quickly. I see them on craigslist for $4800. Removes the payment you got and bet your insurance can drop to $70/month for state minimum liability like I have.

Dont know what you currently have for phone or phone service but I pay $30/month for cricket. $99 cheap ass phone but it's got all I need. Like someone else said, get a room mate if you got a room and split that rent in half. You got some room to potentially push things lower. It ain't glamorous but whatever. And when you start making more money..dont change a thing. Except maybe boot the roommate unless it's a hot chick. Best of luck friend.

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

It didnt die based on 1 profitable quarter. As you can see we didnt have another but the cash on hand and ability to make a profit off of it alone is what kills it which is why it is something worth bragging about being able to do. Even though its maybe not what we should do with it. I say maybe because I for one wouldn't hate if gamestop went away from being a video game company and just became a holding company

Dude didn't you see the comment suggesting velcro suit and wall?

Having never cut a hill that steep before, I'd think sideways. But I'd need to see how it felt first without the mower running. If it felt stable enough and wasnt to hard to walk..then sideways. Otherwise, weed eat. Also, how does the neighbor do theirs?

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

Not the shareholder meetings. Usually during business hours in the morning

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

Hahahahahaha. Absolutley amazing work

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

Is there a way to excersise all those contracts for 12M shares without having the cash? Doubt hes got 210M sitting in a different account

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

It's our emergency savings my wife agreed I could use if we see $20 again haha. Dont think we will but I think if I can show her a decent enough dip I can get it in.

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

I'll finally have money for the earnings dip this time! 15k. Thing is I cant use it now even if I wanted to. It wont settle until earnings morning!

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

Actually a little tough to argue with that comment. Solid response.

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

Paychecks only come once every 2 weeks. I did load up but I want to load up more..(Jessie pinkman voice) bitch!

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

Huh? I got more cash on deck and a specific price in mind as to when to spend it. What's your issue?

🎮 Power to the Players 🛑

Haha. I have put alllllll our other money in on GME over the past 3 years and she was eager to rebuild the savings again so was pretty clear on price when it came to using the savings..again. think I can convince her around 21 or 22 though. Especially cause our cost basis is like $30 lol