MtF HRT 2/27/2017

I mean, the same can be said for any demographic of women, it's not an exclusive trans thing. Even the term chaser is not exclusively a trans thing. There are women who get the same treatment for being heavy, or black or asian, or tall, or short, or whatever.

Her weather girl smile there killed me. It was perfect, and very in character for her.


Please keep posting updates as you watch through, especially toward the end of the first season!

Firefighter, EMT, National Guard

I can see the complaints about being a Capoeira instructor (even if I don't agree), but these three are careers that often go together. Many first responders are members of the National Guard and many Firefighters are cross trained as EMTs.


Based on that, you might like the back half of season 5 more than 4. It does kinda get back to the found family stuff a bit. It doesn't go all the way back to say season 2 and 3 with that vibe, but I think it has it stronger than 4 does.

Oh man, I remember the Vossk drama on Legends a few years ago. What a tool.

This is what I use exclusively at this point.

I left two different bands for that reason.

I spent most of my 20's stoned out of my mind hiding from my transness. Spoiler alert, it doesn't work.

My favorite 1 thing pedals are the Phase 90 and Carbon Copy.

That's different than calling something "not bluegrass" because it's not structured the way Bill Monroe would have structured it. I have trad-grass friends that say bands like Yonder Mountain String Band aren't really bluegrass because of all the jamming, which is just gatekeepy bullshit. Sure they aren't trad-grass, but they are still a form of bluegrass.

I don't usually respond like this, but Google SAGAFTRA and WGA strikes and you'll find literally thousands of articles about it.

I had mine stolen out of my car about a week after I got it. It never turned up anywhere, and I'm still on the waiting list for another one.

I can confirm, it suuuucks.

Jedi Knight Rey

You literally said "democratic leadership."

Jedi Knight Rey

regardless of who is voted in the end result and destination is the same.

I mean, they aren't though. Sure the Dems are out of touch and aren't always beacons of progressive ideals as a whole, but at least they aren't trying to take away the rights of women and LGBTQ+ folks.

I don't think Purgill are any stranger than the space worm in Empire or the Rancor or Sarlacc in Return of the Jedi. They don't make much sense either. Really even Banthas don't make sense. What do they eat? They are massive and Tatooine is barren.

Star Wars has always had weird animals.

Pragmatic Progressive

Maybe with a more progressive VP, he'd do okay, but I still think he's "good ol' boy" vibe would turn off a lot of younger and more progressive voters.

And as poorly as I think he'd do in the GE, I think he'd fare worse in the primary, that's for sure.

Pragmatic Progressive

I honestly don't think Tester would do very well in a GE. His working class charm only plays so far, and I think a lot of younger and more progressive voters would be turned off by him.

Don't get me wrong, I voted for him when I still voted in Montana, but he would be extremely far down my list in a presidential primary.

Jedi Knight Rey

she once faked a suicide to test whether her 6 year-old daughter really loved her

I'm sorry, WHAT? That's sooooo messed up.

I'm not watching either way because of multicam but still

I'm so sad they are going to that format.

MtF HRT 2/27/2017

There evidence is "my kid's friend is trans and now my kid is trans." They don't think that maybe their kid was already trans and knowing someone else who is also trans is what allowed them to see that they were also trans.

I figured out I was trans and neurodivergent by reading stories from other folks who were trans and/or neurodiverse and realized how strongly those anecdotes resonated with me.

She doesn't have to send it in an interdepartmental memo or anything. She could easily send the info over anonymously and claim they are from a bug planted in the office.

"Just wait until I hit rock bottom."

She's totally gunning to get arrested for misgendering so she can claim she's really the victim.