I’ve encountered 0 bugs, i think it’s likely a issue with your pc

I can’t Roost you. I’m not a fucking chicken like you are

There’s a dude who got 100k in one month

Get her high on catnip, she’ll be too busy rolling around and running around to do that. In all seriousness, put catnip on all her items. Her bed, her scratching post, and her toys. Also get her a few catnip toys with catnip inside


This has been reposted atleast 10 times. Please find the original one instead

That’s brown tabby. Nothing more, nothing less. Still adorable though

Ask this gentleman kindly not to. It’s the only way

Me after seeing this for the 355th time

I’ve used it many times over the past few months, I’ve had no issues. It’s the best way to play gamepass games on pc, or “Play Anywhere” games, better than Microsoft store anyway

Xbox games doesn’t deserve to be that low

Either your left or your right, or your middle nut is connected. Try a long press on all of them to see which one

I fell down 7 stairs once, outside. On concrete-type material, it’s like that material that looks like a bunch of little rocks fused together. I fell right on my elbow. Luckily it wasn’t broken, but I had a wound right on my elbow. There were rocks basically ingrained in it

Photography? Nah, pornography

This lady isn’t smart. She was born in a primarily stupid community. Goodbye

Ddr5 instead of ddr4, and an extra 8gig stick. Then yes