No one likes taxes, just some fight it and some accept it. The freedom that AK loves is what the republicans talk about but don’t do. The southern conservatives will fight marijuana legalization until they can profit from it.

Guns? Most people want minimal basic regulations so at least mentally unstable can’t easily get guns.

Anyways, it’s interesting

Agreed. The anti-boomer whine is stupid. Things were difficult in different ways.

Now things are a mess, but they weren’t great for the boomers.

AK republicans are considerably different from those in the lower 48, esp the south

If the AKRs really knew what they were aligned with, they’d be democrats

My response was to your silly statement about increased housing density being a good thing.

I raised an obvious issue that you have ignored and now you need to feel empowered as a pseudo-discussion leader.


That’s a major reason traffic is so bad…. 25 cars per residential acre when before is was 8

Finally Appetite makes an appearance


Holy Diver- Dio Sweets from a Stranger- Squeeze Synchronicity — La Policía

Sound Chaser—- Yes

This is the best intro ever. Everyone should listen to it.

To me, the idea of a ‘dream guitar’ is silly

I don’t care what it looks like…. tone, playability staying in tune are what’s important, not that it’s an Eric Clapton strat or the I finally got a J-200 or its custom shop blah

Is it a good guitar??

Time Rider

Early 80s, soundtrack was by Michael Nesmith of the Monkeys…. All solid rock guitar music, for the movie

It is the best movie soundtrack…. not a bunch of songs by various artists strewn together for a movie

This is one of the best LPTs I’ve seen

My experience was both the the funeral home and cemetery attempting to last second extort addl monies.

I accepted it at funeral, but got stern and boarderline ugly at burial

Both were disgusting, preying on mourning survivors

Valley Girl

This song also instantly changed the dialect of American teenage girls


It’s a tone control…. You can use as a wah, or to simply change your tone…. “Bassy” for verse, “trebly” for chorus, etc…..