Hahaha my awkwardness was definitely very Mark Corrigan. Might be called clean shirt when he robs my tv

Hey, do you remember what primer you used? And does it still look good?

Amazing flat! Pink is my favourite colour so this is dreamy for me, I wouldn't change much at all 😅

I've moved back with family for two months. Living in a room with a house worth of stuff. Last time I stayed in a budget hotel for a week.

I make way more sales but dislike the bartering aspect. It's designed almost like Instagram so people pop up asking questions even when the item is £1! Plus it's too risky to sell high value goods, and there are many restrictions on items (I use eBay for my homewares). But by far the best option for lower value clothing which is mostly what I sell

I was going to move away from Vinted and stick with eBay, but not now!

Thank you, was it easy to spot once you pulled up the carpet?

They were £120 Vs £350 which is what independent surveyors who don't sell remedial works are charging

Thank you! They do claim it to be rising damp with a "possible" failed damp course. I will be investigating potential sources

The report was done on behalf of the buyer of the property, I didn't even know it was an issue prior to the Homebuyer's level 2 and damp survey! It's difficult telling a buyer that though, they are more likely to trust an "expert"

It was instructed by my buyer (I'm selling) and of course they wanted reassurance it wasn't a major issue. They were recommended this firm by their Homebuyer's level 2 surveyors, so there is almost certainly commission involved

The chimney is capped yes, the homebuyer survey I had done when I bought the property identified no damp except a minor bit to the fireplace, so they recommended ventilation to the chimney. To my awareness the window doesn't have any issues but it could theoretically be a potential source of water ingress

It flagged up in a Homebuyer's survey so a damp surveyor was instructed. They used heat maps mainly, but it was originally flagged up by the pronged meter reading device. Thanks for the insight, the house is rendered which may explain a lack of breathability. I'll look into the gutters and potential sources of water penetration e.g. window seals

They said they ground level at the back of the house is too high, but didn't mention it for this room! I'm unsure on the pipes/gutters, but I'll look into those. Based on what he said, the hollow between the wall and plaster was creating condensation and because it's gypsum, it's retaining moisture

Further info: the damp is not visible in appearance hence no images provided. The damp surveyor showed the "damp" parts of the wall were hollow

Edit: This report is on behalf of the buyer of the property - I wasn't aware of the issue until the homebuyer's survey flagged damp readings. The quote came from a damp survey recommended by the building surveyor