I am sad for you OP, hope you’re doing better.

But these moments really highlight what your future together looks like.

My bf had a small surgery in the first few months of us dating and he basically told me how the aftermath is what made him fall in love. He was going to go alone to the surgery and drive himself back (🙄) instead I insisted on taking him and he stayed the following week with me while he recovered.

He’s been the same way with me & it really makes me feel optimistic about our future.

I love eating when high but I noticed the obvious weight gain as the months passed.

I realized I usually eat as “something to do” while high so I started doing other activities high like painting or clay sculptures or playing with cats. I read a book after an edible the other day and I finished it in almost an evening, it was great! Find something to do with your hands, you’re not actually hungry (most times), just bored.

Maison Cloakroom! Favorite speakeasy and perfect date night vibes. Eva B is a thrift shop/cafe. Lazy/Marche Floh are some of my fav thrift shops in the city.

I’m glad that’s your ex. And yeah, pretty sure people still do this. I buy flowers for my friends birthdays or other occasions. My ex used to for valentines/anniversaries.

My boyfriend always gets me flowers as a surprise usually tulips when they’re in season as they’re my favorite but also roses throughout the year, just because.

I also buy myself flowers because I like them so make yourself happy too!

Next relationship, once you have communicated & if they still ignore your request- you should walk away. People like that don’t care to put in effort, and you should be glad they’re showing you early on.

Yes, to 100% being yourself & comfortable AND also still giving you butterflies.

My boyfriend is my best friend and yet even 5 years later, I get butterflies if he looks at me a certain way. He literally has the smoldering look perfected and it’s so ..hot.

I don’t think anxiety is a good sign, you’re supposed to feel calmed by their presence. Nerves is okay (especially in the start, it’s overwhelming to like someone so much)

But comfort is my biggest indicator, no matter how long you spend together, it always feels so little.

Agree, I fully binged season 2 all over again after finishing pt 1 of season 3. I just NEEDED some of this insane tension & chemistry👀

No but It was always the most unaffordable option to begin with, so most of my friends and family don’t even shop there even before boycott.

I used to get regular blood work/checkups at walk-ins back when I lived in a smaller city in Ontario.

Since the 2 years I’ve lived here, the only doctor I’ve seen is my allergy specialist who is back in ON to renew my prescriptions. It’s way too confusing to find one & im on the waiting list for the family doctor since years lol

I felt bad for OP while reading that. Even if he wants to change it back, I think the damage is done. You deserve someone who appreciates the many ways you show them love & someone who hopefully loves you in the same way!

I don’t know if he shows you affection in the same ways or makes you feel loved as your actions do. I think it’s a little too late because you can’t flip this back like a switch. We do these things out of love because we want to, it’s not the same as just doing it out of obligation or duty.

I had an answer just by reading the title; No.

However, I did read the rest of your post, and I don’t think “right girl, wrong time” even applies to this. He’s so inconsistent, he doesn’t really seem like a “good guy” to me or tbh, doesn’t seem to show that he likes you very much.

I think you deserve way better than rewarding someone to take time and call you during lunch for a breakup. He’s saying whatever he can to let you down easily, it’s not literal.

Yeah it sounds like you have insecurities about the relationship. If you spend too much time thinking about it, and it makes you sad instead of excited, I think that’s worth exploring.

You’re quite young and learning to regulate emotions is something we learn as we go. You’re not doing anything wrong but you should maybe take some space and assess what makes you happy (and sad) about the current relationship.

I think it’s him(?) You’re having a reaction to his actions, imo.

I think I’m quite sensitive too so sometimes if I am arguing with my bf, I feel the prickle of tears but I’m unbothered by anyone else. I also cry easily at commercials lol but my bf very rarely makes me cry.

I suggest reflecting on the reasons for your sadness or maybe talking through it with someone trusted or therapy.

But people aren’t their parents? Terrible parents produce great kids (not because of their parenting, inspite of it) and Vice versa. You’re choosing to let go of amazing people because they can’t control who they were born with as parents?

I didn’t really like meetup as much as the hangouts from Facebook groups. Lots of different communities to join & some quite active. I’m in one for girls in Montreal & there’s a chat for every kind of activity -picnics, clubs, skiing or even just cat lovers lol

I also frequent a lot of events hosted that are geared towards meeting new folks. Recently saw an ad for dinner with strangers, sounds quite intriguing.
2 years in and I have about 2/3 different groups of friends for different activities 😁

This is making me so infuriated for you. Like I want to scream, preferably in your bf’s face.

My bf is also a morning person, he’s up at 7am regardless of how late we go to bed. I’m you, up by 9:30-10 at the latest. At the start of the relationship, I made some breakfast plans, promptly slept through. He brought it up, I said ok sorry let’s do brunch instead - this is our resolution. So I sleep in, he wakes up, feeds the cats, makes his coffee and then mine when I am up. Sometimes I am woken up by him, but that’s not very often. Then he goes to the living room and enjoys his own time till I wake up.

This man is so disrespectful for you, it’s making me feel really upset for you.

I only ask you to reflect on if there are other scenarios that make you feel unheard, you’re not crazy for feeling this way.

Girl, go be hot and date one of the men who actually enjoy having a hot gf! Don’t waste ur hot years on an insecure boy

Some guy came up to me in a club and shouted in my ear about how the music is too loud. Nearly made me deaf, so maybe don’t do that. 💀

That’s rude to me. I wouldn’t think twice of playfully telling this to my partner of many years. But someone I haven’t even met? I have no right to say that.

Go to events from meetup or Facebook groups. I moved 2ish years ago and my new friend group is entirely from such events!

Girl I’m like you, I would definitely want more. :( I know it’s not necessarily to see each other everyday but back when we lived in the same city, my bf & I would hang out all the time, like sleeping over multiple times a week, dinner almost every night - I think like someone else said, you both have to have the same expectations from the relationship.

Maybe he’s not the one for you.

The answer to your question lies in how much the other person likes you. The “cute to cringe” meter heavily relies on how much your adoration is reciprocated.

That’s so cuteeee! OP imo usually when you feel the urge to say it and almost slip up multiple times, that’s usually the best time to say it.

My bf said it less than 2 months in & it was the most adorable moment. His smartwatch accidentally outed him since his heart rate spiked so much 😂

Speaking from Canada, yes😂 I tried some weed from Philly recently, met some folks on vacation from there. It did nothing to me & I was shocked how spoilt we are here.

Same thing on vacation in Thailand, they have some pretty good weed but had to take a bit more than I would back home to get the same high. Although their smoking culture is so fun.

But my friends who smoke in India were flooooored by the Thailand weed!

If you can, do it for the experience it’s great.

I do feel for you❤️‍🩹 but I’m glad you’re listening to outside opinions to find out for yourself what is and isn’t acceptable.

In my experience, most men who like to advertise themselves as providers or “high value” (ew) are usually very much in the opposite end of that. Reality is they like to exploit the women by saying they prefer “traditional” women. Men who actually behave like providers are usually less outspoken (because it’s not their only personality trait) and are decent human beings.

I think most guys who are secure aren’t bothered by things like this. I don’t have a recipe to find one but generally dating less insecure men would be your best bet?

My bf doesn’t let me carry any bags - groceries or otherwise, it’s just his way of showing love. He will shovel snow at my apartment, salt the stairs, fix stuff around my apartment constantly. We are not a “traditional” couple whatsoever. I’m a ragin feminist, currently make 3x my partner yet he still takes care of me the same way he did 5 years ago when the roles were reversed. I think ultimately when people love each other, they don’t give a shit about what other people think about them.

I think you should find someone who cares about you more than their perceived appearances.