Hell Orsillo graduated Northeastern under the tutelage of Joe Castig is I’m not mistaken. Huge loss.

Hell, we should maybe tie max age for service to the life expectancy for the country. Might make these rich powerful bastards actually want to help the rest of us for a change.

For a company so high and mighty about the environment and reducing carbon emissions it’s pretty rich that they want to force people to go back to the office. I’m disappointed in Patagonia, I thought they were actually better.

His paintings of the “Four Freedoms”) the FDR spoke of are also pretty powerful.

Fantastic. It’s become my go to over the Hu Fong stuff since all the shortages etc.

I just want him to have a massive jammer and be done with it. I can’t stand this crap anymore.

Aubrey. Was my first Goldens name and he was the best boy. Your cutie looks worthy of the name :)

Nah, I think these are the real hippies that grew up. So many hippies were just trust fund boomers who got to go play utopian commune on mommy and daddy’s dime.

I don’t like burnt ass nasty coffee to begin with so I avoid it.

I’m relatively new to Denver and absolutely love the Tattered cover locations I’ve been to. What’s happened to them over the years?

The water is already so low the ferries across the lake have been shut down for the foreseeable future. I’m sure they can still take water from the river for their golf courses in the desert though if needed.

What the hell does he have to “rest” from? He isn’t being a father to all these kids!

I’m almost certain it’s a simple as donations. What’s really upsetting is it’s probably for a pittance.

I’m almost 40. All my parents do when I call (and I have to call because parents shouldn’t have to reach out to their children apparently) is complain about how they’re bodies are stalking apart and they can’t do anything. No interest in my life beyond my kid. No interest or emotional support for any successes or achievements I mention about work, etc. “Ugh today sucked I had to mow the lawn and I have no time for any hobbies despite the fact I’m retired and completely sedentary.” Every week forever.

The formal English common name for Ursus actors is brown bear, which includes “grizzlies”. The American Black Bear is the common name for Ursus americanus. Not really sure what you mean by there is no such thing as a brown bear because that’s incorrect.

They really don’t care. Gotta cut cost to improve every quarter! They’d rather rehire these people for more money and more concessions later than to lose out on the appearance of forever growth.

My first golden has the wiggle butt and had hip dysplasia. My current golden has a wiggle butt and he’s totally fine. Only way to tell is take him to the vet if you’re worried!

Literally put trains back on the routes they had like a century ago.

Apparently the threshold for “is something a bribe” is you have to explicitly say “hey I’m giving you this as a bribe”.

At this point someone just needs to burn the rest of these eyesores down.