I'm more disturbed by the one that says, "chicken with drip."

At least they got a multi-platinum album out of the deal.

SY77, DW6000, XV5080, CZ5000, ESi32, S3000XL, TG100, MC505, RX8

Check envelope generator 2 - from what I recall, the K2 ships with everything at zero, which will kill your signal. I had the same “problem”.

The LED is the rate of the modulation generator, not MIDI.

"The human is the one that didn't vomit Wikipedia."

It just means that the shelves have a lower relative charge than the cart, and electrons are balancing between them - a ground is not necessary. Sort of like how you can see lightning jumping between clouds.

As far as the carts, I've always wondered why they build up charge...no idea. It might have something to do with axle bushing material in the wheels.

SY77, DW6000, XV5080, CZ5000, ESi32, S3000XL, TG100, MC505, RX8

And I think he used them all in the solo for Rosanna.

It's going to be a while before we get to be anything close to acting like our state motto again, but I have hopes. In the short term, I'll be happy if we can get a legislature that better reflects the state - we are frighteningly close to a two-house Republican supermajority. Tony Evers has been a legislative firewall.

SY77, DW6000, XV5080, CZ5000, ESi32, S3000XL, TG100, MC505, RX8

I have a few Behringer clones, and they all feel good. Knobs and sliders are solid, cases are metal (even the mini synths).

I just upgraded to Hollywood Strings earlier this month. After using EWQLSO for over a decade, I am seriously blown away.

You have to add them in to the chord track yourself - there's no way to analyze a recording. Click on each bar in the chord track and then select what the chord is with the buttons, or you can also play them on a MIDI keyboard.

I hope so as well, but it would definitely be uncharted waters. Debs was running as a Socialist, and was in prison on Sedition charges, so it was a pretty different situation.

I would imagine that Trump being found guilty for fraud and being in prison would turn a lot of people off, but all bets are off with modern Republicans.

You can run for president from prison, it's happened before (Eugene Debs, 1920).

Not the easiest, but a functional workaround would be to get the playing how you want, then convert to MIDI and use that on a track with Trillian. You can mute the session player track and keep it for future edits.

Everyone always talks about the galvanized steel. I always wonder about the shower (usually installed next to the induction cooktop) that has no drain.

Speaking of Alan Parsons, there’s also Tales of Mystery and Imagination, which is based on the life and works of Edgar Allen Poe.

Yup, looks correct to me. You pay sales tax to the state where it's registered, so that's why that's on there (the dealer set that up). Wheel tax varies by municipality. Title fee is to get the title transferred over to you. Registration fee is the yearly fee for your tags.

SY77, DW6000, XV5080, CZ5000, ESi32, S3000XL, TG100, MC505, RX8

I love Audio Technica...I think it's hard to go wrong with any headphones in this line.

I sold a guitar for a friend on Reverb last fall, my first time using it as well. From my experience, you will get a ton of scam responses which will ask you to email them. Never do that, always use the messaging system.

Aside from that, just plan on being patient...it can take a bit for the right person to see your listing.

  1. You'll want an audio interface to plug the instruments into (the Scarlett 2i2 is very popular). You can plug a guitar directly into it, as well as the piano. Miking drums is a whole thing unto itself, probably best to just get a basic mic (like an SM57) and do a basic overhead recording. Cords to connect things. A decent pair of headphones are easier to set up than speakers (I like the Audio Technica ATH-M35. Good sound, mixes translate well, not horribly expensive).
  2. Very much so - the basics transfer pretty nicely (and you can open GB projects in Logic, to see all the stuff GB was hiding from you). I used GarageBand until I started hitting my head against the limitations. GB sounds great, you can do some good work in it.
  3. The 16GB is fine. You want an external drive for projects, that SSD will fill up fast.
  4. There's a tendency after getting Logic to install ALL THE PLUGINS...at least, there was for me. Don't, the stock plugs are great. Lean how to use those first. Only add things when you specifically need something.

The best way to learn Logic is to google what you're trying to do. There's a YouTube video on damn near anything, including how to emulate certain sounds.


Holy cow, I totally missed that bounce in place for external instruments was in this update! Thanks for the heads up.

Something I am very surprised about is that you can load up a session player, and then apply any instrument to it. I just changed the bass player to a harp, and put a trashy electronic drum on the keyboard player. This will be fun to experiment with.

Also - you can apply chords to the chord track with MIDI! Nice.

“Tom Morello shouldn’t talk about politics!”…but yet he has a degree in political science.