Why did you ask this on Reddit if you already fell for the scam and told the person you would take the vehicle back and return their money??

Tell them to go sit on a cactus. Whose to say they didn't fuck with it at all between the time you sold it and now? And even if they didn't, it's a 1993. If they bought that they should have known it could potentially have issues. It's a 31-32 year old vehicle.

Don't be a gullible pushover, OP.

Care to explain the backstory, OP?

I'll just assume you're an unreliable narrator and will take what you say with a sizable pinch of salt, but I might be able to piece together what actually happened.

I like mine with salted butter, cheddar cheese, and bacon. You don't eat grits plain. You're supposed to add stuff to them.

Fewer males in the population = way less reproduction so it still helps.

The creator frequently posts on here and gives advice and tips to new mod creators too.

So people are sitting in your yard and eating food from the restaurant? Spray their food with a garden hose or super soaker any time they're anywhere on your property. The restaurant will eventually stop people from going to your yard or build a fence cause they'll have to keep refunding or remaking food, and law enforcement won't be able to do anything cause you're not attacking them and they're trespassing on your property. You can do whatever you want to their food.

Play really shitty loud music.

Release feeder mice onto the restaurant property. Might be very difficult to do especially if they have security cameras, but mice reproduce like crazy and they will be attracted to all the food supply there.

Pre EOC, when the wilderness didn't have PVP, I killed green dragons near Clan Wars with a cannon, and a cheap d'hide + rune crossbow setup. I would make 400k-500k per hour. Not much, but it was low effort and got me my first Godsword (BGS, which was the cheapest one at the time)

I know this is kind of an unpopular opinion in this community, but I think all prank call victims, outside of a select few that deserved it (like The Prosecutor, or Satanic Racist), that were pestered by prank callers non stop every single day for years, sometimes up until their deaths, didn't deserve it and that should never have happened to them.

We got plenty of funny lines from the likes of Frank, Fred, etc just from the occasional calls from legitimate skilled pranksters. All the copycat callers that would call them dozens to hundreds of times per day for years and obstruct their businesses and livelihoods literally provided nothing to the soundboard community and just tortured these people for their own entertainment.

"I'm a gummy bear"

Used to play that on loop all day in my college dorm room to get revenge on my neighbors that would stay up all night fucking their girlfriend and thumping the bed against the wall.

If anything happens to his car, he'll assume you did it because you just had this squabble with him.

Just get it towed. That's already unethical even if it's legal and reasonable, because impound lots are basically all scum.

It might be the time zone, but every time I go in there on Friday or Saturday nights, Eastern US time, on worlds 330 or 302, it's usually packed, and during the week, I still see people in there in the evenings (EST) just hanging out and having fun.

Just the speed of sound? The US military has countless weapons that move at supersonic or even hypersonic speeds. You'd need to sleep eventually. I feel like you'd just delay the inevitable.

Any time I go on a busy, populated world, the free for all portal at Ferox Enclave is always full of people just scrapping for fun. There are plenty of people that like fighting other players but don't like the wilderness predator VS prey system.

No offense, OP, but how old are you?

The after story mods have dialogue, art, and coding all made by a small team of regular humans. How could there be any confusion whatsoever on whether or not Monika is "real" when everything she says and does in MAS is pre-written and programmed by someone? Even if there is an "AI" mod or functionality added to MAS at some point, that's just using a large language model. No sentience.

Basically, no different than the Monika from the original game.

The after-story mods are glorified Tamagotchi pets. Not replacements for real, healthy social interactions.

They're warp pipes. There are portals in them or something.

Kidney stone. Just make sure to fake a Drs note. Not like they'll be able to call the hospital and ask for proof. Cause, y'know, HIPAA.

Carrots can be bitter sometimes but most carrots I have are sweet and delicious.

I recommend eating whole carrots, not baby carrots, and washing them instead of peeling the skin off. Tastes way better.