I love the way you name your cats!

My babies' names: Ice Cream Sundae (Passed) Jersey Jett Sirius Black (Passed) Guenhwyvar Melikki (Passed) And my doggo, Cirilla Alina My husband's cat is Yager, but I call him Baron von Floofen-Yager.

I might be a little obsessive about pet names....

Oh, look! You found a twatwaffle!

Not sure about other religions, but people hide behind Christianity because you can be forgiven. Most of them forget the repentance part.

Thank you! This right here.

I'm sure the original roots of the religion are fine. IMHO, Original Sin was the Roman Empire forcing Christianity on their conquered peoples.

There is no sex in the Zombie Apocalypse.

Except for the part where they don't realize "my head" is part of the SMH acronym?

Quality content! Thanks for sharing!

She's definitely not wearing a bra. Those arms are strategically placed.

Fucked up thing for the mother to do, especially locking them in the room, but I gotta say I'm impressed at how the older one hugged the younger, like protecting them from this thing while utterly terrified.

Sheer force of will, I guess, but I'm also cranky most of the time. I regularly wake up anywhere between 1 am and 4 am with back pain and can't get back to sleep. Usually I go to bed around 9, relax, read a little, out by ten. I prefer to sleep until at least 5, but rarely make it.

We may have a similar turnout this election, considering what some justice department investigations have turned up.

I'm just hoping more people realize that the republicans (and most Democrats, sadly) aren't actually working for the good of the working class. It's all just a shit ton of lip service.

I love this reply so much!! You're my hero of the day.

I hope it's an absolutely fantastic day for you!

:-) that's really good to know. I thought it was some big industry secret. But if you guys are in the dark, too, I'm cool with not knowing. I can let that be a pilot only thing and just idly wonder to myself about it. Makes for interesting musings.

Also, wouldn't be america because the driver's seat is on the right. The only vehicles I've seen in US with right side driver seats are Postal trucks. Everyone else sits on the left and drives on the right side of the road.

Pants for $2? Must be low quality pants...

Doesn't look like a breast in any sense of the word. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Oh, Congratulations! I'm happy for you guys! Also, any idea on immigration policies in your country? If things get worse here, asylum may be the best or only option, lol.

I like the Cadbury one they play every year with all the animals trying out to be the Cadbury Bunny. The lion goes BUUUCK BUUUCK