All of this happens in, maybe, a second.

Hate the Rs for forcing us to choose this...

1st picture looks like vomit.

Ironically this would go a long way to keeping him from the breakfast table.

Incredible how all the citizens use their money infallibly.

You can keep your weed in there.

I just turn on the water faucet for a few seconds.

Not only republican but also outside influencers like china and Russia. I'm glad you came to your senses but it's pretty discouraging to see so so many still wanting to do right but completely confused

I used to be really into awesome game trailers because they were difficult to make back in the day and indicative of the effort put into the actual game. Now the opposite is true.

Uhh, yeah you guys HAD to know this was coming.

If it ain't broke, keep fuckin' with it till you're prove that it is.

Women be fine as hell then BOOM she a bitch

Monkey in Space

Pretty much couldn't disagree more. Maybe there's something there worth preserving but the baggage is too great.

Tarantino was right. Digital looks like shit outside of a very few use cases.