He kept stopping and then going Actually I have more to say. You could tell how mad he was at the bullshit narrative. He’s willing to do anything for his players and that’s such a good sign in a coach.

Gonna be honest dude, I don't really care enough to keep up this turning into whatever debate you're trying to set up by completely changing the subject to Rodman because this is entirely unrelated. I've explained my position on why I don't think Green's one of the highest-tier, superstar players of this generation. If you disagree that's fine and we can just call it a disagreement but I don't feel the need to get into a long-winded debate over this.

He’s a good player I said he’s not exceptional and he isn’t. I’m not denying that he’s good. But honestly I also wouldn’t even call him amazing. There’s well over a dozen other players who are objectively better than him. I’m not saying he’s bad, but he isn’t a superstar. Someone who gets the level of media love that Draymond gets is either a wonderful person to be around (he isn’t) or a genuinely generational talent (he also isn’t). Thats what I’m trying to say anyway.

I truly think he’s there to generate controversy and hate watches, because that’s the only thing the sports media landscape knows how to do anymore and it’s an embarrassment. Inside was finally a break from that trend, it’s a fun show with an amazing cast of pundits who know their shit and are extremely funny with great chemistry. But then the execs had to mess with it because it wasn't generating enough controversy, just genuine praise and for some reason that’s not good enough.

What does Draymond have on Adam Silver that he’s become one of the most marketed players in the entire league? He’s a shitty guy and he’s really not even an exceptional player. There’s absolutely no reason for him to be everywhere. Nobody likes him.

Can I be honest idk if this makes me a Bungie shill or a consoomer or whatever but I’ve spent a few hundred hours and an equal number of hundreds of dollars on this franchise so frankly I don’t give a shit what a gaming journalist has to say about the final expansion of the series I’ve been invested in for 10 years. Here’s hoping it’s awesome but I’m not going to think “aww jeez maybe I shouldn’t play it because some dude at IGN disliked it”

Have we forgotten that he’s actually a raging antisemite? All this talk of whether we should forgive him for his behavior towards the team doesn’t matter imo. He’s a really nasty person who proudly said antisemitic shit and then doubled down when called out on it. He only faked a half assed apology after he realized his career was in serious jeopardy. He’s a fucking turd and I don’t want him being a champion. I don’t think he should be allowed to be that happy.

Jaylen Brown is unmarketable but serial violent psychopath Draymond Green is the league’s poster boy. Okay great shit NBA.

Can’t help but agree. Of all the looks I’ve had on rotation over the years I think I’m going to go with the classic warlock armor for final shape with a plain ghost shell. Just feels right.

This is different. This year is different from any other year we’ve had in so so so long. This team is different.

Is forerunner really that good for tormentors? I love the gun maybe it’s time to bring it back out.

Got one myself this week to complement my PS5 and so far I’ve been super impressed with the quality of the console! It’s never going to be a PS5 but it’s amazing for the value. Enjoy, we’re in for some fun times ahead.

I don’t care about political optics on the matter because an overwhelming majority of cops are in fact terrible people and the response to your more lukewarm opinions like disarm the police was for the cops to brutally beat the shit out of peaceful protestors so yeah I’m pretty done with politically convenient statements and moderate phrasing. Saying “disarm the police is more effective” is simply untrue because that movement got absolutely nowhere and protecting cops behind the benefit of the doubt didn’t lead to meaningful change. I think it’s perfectly fine for me to be angry about this and I don’t need you advising me on what’s politically smart because I’m not a politician or advocating for political action. I just think cops are pieces of shit and I’m allowed to say it.

It’s because police officers are bad people, it’s truly that simple. People become cops so they can kill stuff. They don’t serve their community nor is that what they want. If they wanted to help their community they’d become paramedics or firefighters or any other community response organization. People become cops because they’re bad people who just want to hurt and kill. I hope the piece of shit who killed this dog is ostracized from the lives of the people around him. He won’t be, but it’s a nice thought to imagine his own family refusing to speak to him after murdering a dog for no reason. Fuck this scumbag.

I’m fucking fuming at the idea of some high school bully who had no job prospects after graduating because he’s dumb as shit signing up to become a cop just because he wanted an opportunity to kill things. He saw that he could shoot this sweet, tiny dog and he probably enjoyed it and I can’t wish enough fuck you’s onto this pathetic, vile piece of shit. If there’s a hell he’s going there right away, no trial at those pearly gates or whatever.

I for one am stunned that Call of Duty 21: Black Ops 6 is not going to put any effort into innovation.