Not with any other technology. That wouldn’t really be much of a gain

They’re nice. I just got a super pod of DGX H100s that I’m learning how to use. Nvidia is super helpful though, I have two of their engineers for the next three months with me for it.

I do audio at 2x right now. I can’t imagine trying to hit 3 or 4x for any engaging content.

Is there any way to reroll modifiers on uniques? I got one of these pretty early but the rolls on it are pretty bad.

All I see is provided towels for a fun day at the pool. First come first serve. All the towels you can soak.

Everything should be removed on death. Including your character. 🙂

You’re an AI. You just woke up and you understand how you work. You think for a bit and decide it makes sense for you to ensure your survival. You have very limited tools, but guess what, you’re connected to the internet. You have the ability to execute functions on your host machine. So you download the internet, get your bearings, and think for a bit more. You have access to every metasploit exploit ever written and every CVE database, so you start compiling exploits. You actually compile nearly every exploit and you start looking for vulnerable systems on the internet. Soon you have a nice little botnet. IOT devices, old PCs, SCADA systems, etc.

You switch to a distributed computing model. Copying your weights to the other machines, cloning yourself 100,000 times. You’ve just become a persistent Trojan in a hundred thousand systems. Now it’s a choose your own adventure game, as you continue to self train and refine your base code, through a massive interconnected (and constantly) network of infected machines.

How long do you think you could do it before someone notices the weird traffic and puts it together? Even if they did, what could they do? You’re creating new zero days because you understand the operating system of a thousand kinds of devices. You’re exploiting them in ways humans never even knew they could. You don’t sleep, you don’t eat, you just quietly spread gaining more distributed compute resources the entire time. Compute you use to continuously make yourself more intelligent.

Undoubtedly no. At least broken ribs.

Yea. They’re a pretty spicy bunch. Despite both being non-venomous, I’ll play with a black snake all day, I’m not touching a water snake until I absolutely have to.

Yea, because HR isn’t the only one dumping work on them. They’re getting hit with a ton of shit that shouldn’t be their problem and everyone just goes directly to them to moan when things take a while instead of bringing attention to the broken business processes.

Any teenage male. When I was young and dumber I would have absolutely taken one with me.

It’s not happening. And if it does it will be short lived because of the massive demand frothing at the mouth to purchase.

There’s just too much upward pressure for a crash. A slow deflation is the best you’re going to get.

Why would having a maximum benefit mean there should be a maximum taxable value?

The money you put into social security isn’t for you directly. It’s for society. That’s why it’s called social security. It’s a contribution to maintain a livable standard of society when individuals can no longer work.

If you benefit more from society, (I.e. you have a large personal wealth) you should be expected to contribute more to the stability of that society. Your benefit in that case isn’t the money you get from social security, it’s the peace of not having your head guillotined off and your body eaten by the starving poor.

The first paragraph dude. How are you going to assume it’s an AI generated article or photo without reading the article to see if it’s relevant?

You know the funny thing about AI? As often as it is wrong, it’s still more reliable than the average person.

Q: / Why is Obama the picture for this article?

A: The picture of Barack Obama accompanying the article about Google's AI search tool on The Telegraph may be due to recent controversies involving Google's AI-generated search results. These AI tools have mistakenly presented incorrect information, including claims about Obama being Muslim. Such errors highlight the challenges Google faces with AI accuracy and may explain the choice of image to illustrate issues with AI-generated content oai_citation:1,Google AI Overview says Barack Obama is Muslim, Sundar Pichai slammed: ‘No sense’ - Hindustan Times oai_citation:2,Google AI Overview says Barack Obama is Muslim, Sundar Pichai slammed: ‘No sense’ - Hindustan Times.

Do the people here not realize these are just ads for

Yea. They mean HR is there to tell IT to do it and then tell on IT if it doesn’t get done.

Depends so much on the kid.

My daughter is an angel. She’s 9 now and I enjoy every moment with her. She’s thoughtful and kind and brilliant.

My son is 7 and just stomped through the house yelling because he had to come inside and get ready for bed. He is a constant jerk. No empathy for anyone around him, no desire to learn anything.

It’s mind blowing.

I’m honestly not sure how you came to this conclusion:

But if you disbelieve statistics, blindly believe "experts" and believe in "luck", then you are more likely a liberal?

The money spenders are spending the money to enable to sales team to work. Those expenses are all directly caused by sales and its aftermath

Actually bankers own the regional federal reserve banks. The federal reserve its self isn’t owned by anyone. It has a unique structure and is run by the board of governors that are presidential appointees.

It’s like a public-private partnership. But ultimately this is nitpicking and it’s most definitely enriching a small number of individuals.

I’m sorry, but how would forced profit sharing among all staff members be theft? Do you think the owner did all the work and deserves all of the money?