I think putting c9 so high is wild considering they haven’t shown us anything internationally, and domestically they’ve beaten dig, Shopify and immortals, with Dig being the best of those 3 (supposedly) and the series being close. Fly should definitely be higher as of rn, and I’d Probly even put SK above c9 too

To me above 75 is good, above 80 is great because most nights I can’t get into the 80s. So to each their own. If you generally are in the 60s, then yes this is good

Plus TL looked more competitive against the East here, but maybe TES is just on another level rn, honestly T1 seemed to be slumping from regular season

This is so heartbreaking. Amazing performance from TL, can’t believe I’m expecting them to win the series after game 1. Haven’t expected this from an NA team in 10 years of watching. Props, but sad to see them lose when they had it in the bag.

Not sure why they go for the panic baron there, and even if you DO, you don’t just rush it down like that and flip

Yeah me personally I didn’t unlock it til late just cuz it didn’t unlock any new paths in the tree

I respectfully disagree with you on the characters and a few other points. I thought the characters were great.

The fast travel being two screens is so that you interact with the characters at the pavilion more and see that you have dialogue options with them.

I also didn’t think the boss combos were unfair. I don’t remember getting one shot by any combo that I couldn’t get out of (I’m pretty sure I did, but once you learn the combo you can dodge after getting hit, or upgrading the roll)

Replace the European shutters on flyquest and this team could do some damage internationally

Even when they won game 1 there were so many team fights he played vegan as fuck and refused to walk up and press r at great times

Most SOTE bosses felt exactly the same. 8 attack combo that I can get one hit in at the end of, and besides that I greed for attacks and pray for a stagger.

Also, every single boss after dodging or getting hit by the first attack in a combo, if I rolled immediately, the attack would hit me after the roll, because they abuse the delay attack animation. Lies of P did something similar, the difference being parrying is much more viable in LOP (in my opinion at least) and it makes sense thematically since they’re puppets. When there’s an 8 attack combo and 6 of them are delayed, it really sucks fighting the boss.

Overall the dlc is enjoyable, but not as great as LoP.


Noah was not the reason they lost, they got gapped in every damn role

Typical East vs west game, be about even in kills but the eastern team ends up 5k up in 15 minutes from better macro

I also usually get recommended lec or lcs when I go into YouTube, I had to search for this and even then had trouble finding it

Me too, so I can replay it and give them more of my money

Yeah it was. I feel like that comment comes off as ugly people are sexual assaulters, which is dumb as hell

I kinda loved this part to be honest. One of the most interesting platforming segments in any game I’ve played. Did it kick my ass? Yeah, but I look back on it fondly

I totally agree. I really think they should do bo3 and maybe switch it from the 3 splits

I got groped at a festival, just my chest, so I’d say not as bad, but I wish I hit the girl who did it, so no, you’re not the asshole